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I'm attempting to SSH into my arch desktop. When I use JuiceSSH from my phone, I get the error message: " recvfrom fail: ECONNRESET". I'm connecting directly to my computer's IPv4 address on my lan.
Here is my firewall setup
$ ss -tnlp
State Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address:Port Peer Address:Port
LISTEN 0 128 :::22 :::*
I have also ran:
$ systemctl enable sshd.socket
$ systemctl enable sshd.service
$ systemctl start sshd.socket
$ systemctl start sshd.service
Does anyone know what is wrong with my setup? I have used SSH to connect to other computers on other networks before and haven't had a problem.
What is in the server's logs (if anything)?
What is in the server's logs (if anything)?
Where can I find the sshd logs? I don't see them in /var/log
In your journal...
jasonwryan wrote:What is in the server's logs (if anything)?
Where can I find the sshd logs? I don't see them in /var/log
Forgive me, I'm a systemd noob.
$ journalctl -xe
Showed I had a bad config file. Works now.
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