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Hey Guys,
i'm trying to set up my raspberry pi and a 3 TB usb drive as a home storage server now. I want to use nfs, as this seems the easiest and best way of doing it. I have set up nfs, and can connect to it manually, mounting it on console. However, i would like to automatically mount it when accessing the folder. Mounting it on boot is not an option, as i can only mount it when at home. I tried the way suggested in the wiki, using x-systemd.automount as a mount option. However, not only does this not work, it also causes nautilus to freeze for a while when i start it. This is what my fstab entry looks like: /home/lasse/Platte nfs users,noauto,x-systemd.automount,x-systemd.device-timeout=10,timeo=14,
noatime 0 0
As i said, running mount -t nfs 1922.168.0.10:/mnt/Platte /home/lasse/Platte works just fine...
Last edited by Gasp0de (2015-01-31 00:43:57)
Hi Gasp0de,
I had a similar issue a while ago and solved it by adding an ExecUpPost= line to my netctl profile.
Because I was using netctl-auto, I needed to add something like
ExecUpPost="mount /meda/nas || true"
to allow it to fail "nicely" without complaining when using a non-home wifi.
NetworkManager can do similar based on the connection UUID.
Hope that helps.
Last edited by drhill1 (2015-01-31 09:54:19)
It is unrelated, but i found that samba is a viable alternative in terms of performance on the pi.
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