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just to say that i've found a problem with the last release of flashplugin 6.0r79-8, the flash plugin doesn't work anymore with mozilla or mozilla-firefox. A patch is available here
and it works very well for me
so if someone could modify the PKGBUILD to patch flashplugin...
Thank you
I don't know exactly what that problem is - I'm using flashplugin 6.0r79-8 on mozilla-firefox 0.8-2 and flash works fine...
in fact, when i started mozilla-firebox or mozilla in an xterm, it returned an error about that wasn't found for flashplugin. It seems that this error is known on
"If Flash Player does not work, make sure you have a compatible version of libstdc++ present ( On RedHat based systems, install the package "compat-libstdc++" (Package "compat" on SuSE, "libstdc++2.10" on Mandrake 9.2). Alternatively, you can try Flashfix, which patches the Flash plugin to get around this requirement. "
if my problem could help someone else...
the problem for you comete is that the post install file that makes that link did not work for you ... if you uninstall and reinstall it should work without patching.
AKA uknowme
I am not your friend
Well Comete, you helped me, so thanks a bunch
On a similar subject, I've noticed the mplayer-plugin and the flashplugin packagers have done a good job of trying to get everything to work off the bat. Unfortunately, at least for me, they missed the plugins directory for firefox. The only directory that seems to like the plug-ins is:
Once I drop the syms in there it seems to be okay. Except for the flash, but I assume that has to do with the above error.
It's a bug. If you install flashplugin then mozilla-firebird, the directory is a directory, which is bad. If you install mazilla-firebird then flashplugin, the directory is a symlink. The easiest thing to do is move those symlinks over and create a symlink for the mozilla directory. The most braindead thing to do is remave both packages and install them, one at a time, again.
I have discovered that all of mans unhappiness derives from only one source, not being able to sit quietly in a room
- Blaise Pascal
Mr X
Am I the Braindead one you speak of
I rm flash & then reinstalled no problem 8)
Mr Green
Lookin for a Brain donor :?
Mr Green I like Landuke!
I also had problems--I played around with symlinking and copying over flash here and there. I should have been more systematic so my solution could help others.
In the end, I downloaded that missing libstdc (as I've had problems with it before with Arch, I actually have a bzipped copy of it on my ArchLinux page so just got it off there. After that, everything worked (and didn't before hand) but as I said, I wasn't systematic with it.
After looking at this thread, I tried doing it on another box. I think the problem was, last time,
I did pacman -Syu and it put in the flashplugin first. This time, I first upgraded firefox. I then checked and flash still worked.
I then upgraded flashplugin. When it went to install the plugin, it found the conflict that firefox already had the flashplayer.xpt and in /opt/mozilla-firefox/lib/mozilla/plugins.
So, I removed them, and after that, it worked without problem.
I think the key ~might~ be, at least in part, to do as was said and install firefox first.
Thanks Xentac - the symlinks did the trick!