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I have just installed arch and got some problems:
1.- Everything is in english, how can I change it to spanish, do I need any packages for gnome, and all packages use spanish as default?
2.- When I scroll in a webpage and got to the top and continue scrolling the mouse wheel, it goes back to the latest page, and when scrolling down, it goes forward, how can I disable this?
3.- When I install a nwe program, it doesn't appear in the gnome menu, I left click the menu and select "Edit Menus" and the new program appears on the list, but it is not visible when entering the menu normally, also happens when removing a packages, it continues in the menu, but when selecting "Edit Menus" it is not there, they appear after I restart gnome, how do I fix it?
4-. What is the File Alteration Monitor?, when the system boots, it says FAILED when loading that, and gives a line saying "fam is not active", what is that and how do I fi it?
Well, that's all, i'll be glad for help
2. What browser are you using?
4. The fam package has a bug. Check for a fix.
1. Set your locale to spanish and Gnome should follow.
2. In Firefox there is a feature where if you scroll the wheel while pointer is in the tab row you change from one tab to another. If you have the pointer in the viewport area the scrolling of tabs doesn't happen.
3. I don't know if there's another way than to logout and login again.
Hope this helps,
3- You must have Fam and Portmap installed and running (added to rc.conf i mean)
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2. I think maybe firefox can use events for web buttons, and that your xorg.conf is mistaking and thinking that your scroll wheel = web buttons... Cross your fingers and try messing around with ZAxisMapping in /etc/X11/xorg.conf - try changing this:
Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5 6 7"
to this:
Option "ZAxisMapping" "6 7"
3. Run "killall gnome-panel" in a terminal, and gnome-terminal will restart with the new menus
How can I change the locale to spanish?
When using the locale -a command, all I got is C, POSIX, en_US and en_US.iso88591, and no spanish, so how do I do it?
In rc.conf set LOCALE=es_MX
Adrian excuse me but my previus post was incomplete.
You must do (as root):
1.- set LOCALE=es_MX in /etc/rc.conf and reboot.
2.- Uncomment #es_MX.UTF-8 UTF-8 and/or #es_MX ISO-8859-1 in /etc/locale.gen.
3.- run locale-gen. is a archlinux's spanish site,
Thanks, i´m gonna try
And for Firefox/Mozilla/Thunderbird/ name it yourself, just install the spanish .xpi extension (as plain user), and restart Firefox like
firefox -UILOcale es%u
Microshaft delenda est
It's working all right iin all the spanish greatness, thanks!!
Pages: 1