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#1 2015-02-07 19:24:28

Registered: 2014-12-31
Posts: 8

getting to cache the dns and a transparent proxy at the same time

I need  a simple and possibly single solution for 2 problems :
  - caching dns calls so that I can speed up my browsing activities
  - get some sort of transparent proxy, like adblock is, to filter out unwanted content on a per-domain basis

There is a software that can do both ?


#2 2015-02-08 22:25:03

From: Germany
Registered: 2014-02-10
Posts: 413

Re: getting to cache the dns and a transparent proxy at the same time

For the first point:

Not sure about your second point. If you want something simple like blocking specific domains then you can use dnsmasq for that too.

You could have looked that up yourself...

There are more (and maybe better solutions) it's just that I use dnsmasq for DNS caching.

I put at button on it. Yes. I wish to press it, but I'm not sure what will happen if I do.  (Gune | Titan A.E.)


#3 2015-02-08 22:25:54

Registered: 2010-04-03
Posts: 3,415

Re: getting to cache the dns and a transparent proxy at the same time

You could go pdnsd and squid together.

I may have to CONSOLE you about your usage of ridiculously easy graphical interfaces...
Look ma, no mouse.


#4 2015-02-09 13:37:33

Registered: 2014-12-31
Posts: 8

Re: getting to cache the dns and a transparent proxy at the same time

dice wrote:

For the first point:

Not sure about your second point. If you want something simple like blocking specific domains then you can use dnsmasq for that too.

You could have looked that up yourself...

There are more (and maybe better solutions) it's just that I use dnsmasq for DNS caching.

the problem is the fact that it works as DHCP server too, I just want a software that is capable of doing only what I was mentioning, I don't want to play too much with my network configuration or adopt software that can easily screw up my configuration .


#5 2015-02-09 13:38:48

Registered: 2014-12-31
Posts: 8

Re: getting to cache the dns and a transparent proxy at the same time

nomorewindows wrote:

You could go pdnsd and squid together.

I just read the entire article about pdnsd and it says that I can use it to block domains too, what benefits does squid offers that pdnsd doesn't ?


#6 2015-02-09 14:45:40

From: Germany
Registered: 2014-02-10
Posts: 413

Re: getting to cache the dns and a transparent proxy at the same time

arkur wrote:

the problem is the fact that it works as DHCP server too, I just want a software that is capable of doing only what I was mentioning, I don't want to play too much with my network configuration or adopt software that can easily screw up my configuration .

yes but

dnsmasq wiki page wrote:

By default dnsmasq has the DHCP functionality turned off

So this won't be a problem, unless you spend time to configure dnsmasq to act as dhcp server.

I put at button on it. Yes. I wish to press it, but I'm not sure what will happen if I do.  (Gune | Titan A.E.)


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