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#1 2015-02-12 21:20:39

Registered: 2014-11-18
Posts: 57

Netctl not working

Because my internet connection did not work, i played a bit around with netctl, only to find out later on that it was the actual network that was not working. Ironically I had by then somehow screwed up my netctl configuration, and I have no clue how to get it to work again.. The only thing I did was pretty much to reenable and restart some profiles..

I was wondering if there is a way to simply reset netctl to the "start/default" configuration (like when installing arch linux), so I could set the profiles and enable netctl-auto@[interface_name].service from the top once again..

Please let me know if you have any suggestions at all!


#2 2015-02-12 21:48:32

From: The Wirral
Registered: 2014-02-20
Posts: 8,795

Re: Netctl not working

Have a look at the output of:

ls -l /etc/systemd/system/

Delete any dangling symlinks you find.

The profiles are stored under /etc/netctl/

Make sure you have used:

netctl disable <name of profile>

on all your profiles if you wish to use netctl-auto … n_networks … _operation

Jin, Jîyan, Azadî


#3 2015-02-12 22:19:06

Registered: 2014-11-18
Posts: 57

Re: Netctl not working

Thanks a lot! It is working now. Not sure what did the trick though. There was nothing to delete and when I tried to disable the profiles it told me it wasn't found. But then netctl-auto was working afterwards, so something must have done it! Thanks!


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