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#1 2006-03-17 08:41:04

From: Tromsoe, Norway
Registered: 2004-07-03
Posts: 347

What to do with .pacnew/.pacsave files?

When I upgrade my system with pacman, there is created .pacnew files. I know why, but I'm not quite sure what to do with them.

One example.

# /etc/fstab: static file system information
# <file system>            <dir>            <type>        <options>                    <dump>    <pass>
none                    /dev/pts        devpts        defaults                        0        0
none                    /dev/shm        tmpfs        defaults                        0        0
tmpfs                    /tmp            tmpfs        defaults                        0        0
usbfs                    /proc/bus/usb    usbfs        defaults                        0        0

/dev/cdroms/cdrom0        /mnt/cdrom        iso9660        ro,user,noauto,unhide           0        0
/dev/cdroms/cdrom0        /mnt/dvd        udf            ro,user,noauto,unhide           0        0
/dev/floppy/0            /mnt/floppy        vfat        user,noauto                     0        0

/dev/sda1                /mnt/usbdisc    vfat        user,noauto,uid=1000,gid=100    0        0

/dev/hda11                swap            swap        defaults                        0        0
/dev/hda8                /                ext3        defaults                        0        1
/dev/hda6                /boot            ext3        defaults                        0        1
/dev/hda7                /home            ext3        defaults                        0        1
/dev/hda9                /usr            ext3        defaults                        0        1
/dev/hda10                /usr/local        ext3        defaults                        0        1
/dev/hda3                /mnt/fat32        vfat        defaults,uid=1000,gid=100        1        0


# /etc/fstab: static file system information
# <file system>        <dir>         <type>    <options>          <dump> <pass>
none                   /dev/pts      devpts    defaults            0      0
none                   /dev/shm      tmpfs     defaults            0      0

/dev/cdrom             /mnt/cd   iso9660   ro,user,noauto,unhide   0      0
/dev/dvd               /mnt/dvd  udf       ro,user,noauto,unhide   0      0
/dev/fd0               /mnt/fl   vfat      user,noauto             0      0

Information from /dev/sda1 and down should stay put. But what about the seven first lines? Do I replace them with the five lines from the .pacnew file?

The old /etc/shadows file have an entry for named, dbus, hal, mysql and avahi that the .pacnew file doesn't have. The same difference exist in the /etc/passwd file and the group file.

This is the difference in /etc/

# /etc/


# End of file


# /etc/


# End of file

Do I just change it?

And what about .pacsave files? Can I just delete them if I know that they don't contain any information that I need?

Have tested dotpac script, but I didn't like it much. I use gvim -o file1 file2.


Ørjan Pettersen


#2 2006-03-17 09:34:25

Registered: 2006-01-12
Posts: 735

Re: What to do with .pacnew/.pacsave files?

Yes change them, that's why pacman does give .pacnew output... look at fstab, the second template is the right one...


#3 2006-03-17 10:23:34

From: London >. < Paris
Registered: 2005-06-13
Posts: 673

Re: What to do with .pacnew/.pacsave files?

I  just tried Wain's paccdiffviewer & liked very much how i can compare every .pacsave, "actual" & .pacnew with my Editor of choice smile

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laptop #1 Atom 2 gig RAM, Arch linux stock i686 (6H w/ 6yrs old battery smile) #2: ARM Tegra K1, 4 gig RAM, ChrOS
Atom Z520 2 gig RAM, OMV (Debian 7) kernel 3.16 bpo on SDHC | PGP Key: 0xFF0157D9


#4 2006-03-17 13:33:09

Forum Fellow
From: Charlotte, NC
Registered: 2005-01-29
Posts: 2,736

Re: What to do with .pacnew/.pacsave files?

.pacnew are usually stock config files moved into place by a pacman -S package and .pacsave are your config files that are saved after a removal (pacman -R package).

If you are familiar with vim, vimdiff /etc/config /etc/config.pacnew is a great way to compare and make adjustments.


#5 2006-03-17 13:43:45

From: Tromsoe, Norway
Registered: 2004-07-03
Posts: 347

Re: What to do with .pacnew/.pacsave files?

Yes I know. But it isn't always easy to know what to change.

Ørjan Pettersen


#6 2006-03-18 15:57:52

From: Berlin
Registered: 2005-10-27
Posts: 428

Re: What to do with .pacnew/.pacsave files?

there is also a nice bashscript which lets you compare *.pac*-files with the originas: dotpac

It's English, btw smile


#7 2006-03-20 15:50:33

From: Germany
Registered: 2005-10-08
Posts: 47

Re: What to do with .pacnew/.pacsave files?

_Gandalf_ wrote:

Yes change them, that's why pacman does give .pacnew output... look at fstab, the second template is the right one...

I bother now, too.
Cause when I change them, what happens to /tmp

tmpfs               /tmp         tmpfs      defaults                  0      0
usbfs               /proc/bus/usb   usbfs      defaults                  0      0 


#8 2006-03-20 15:57:47

From: Hessen / Germany
Registered: 2003-12-01
Posts: 1,488

Re: What to do with .pacnew/.pacsave files?

until the next reboot ... nothing

Frumpus addict
[mu'.krum.pus], [frum.pus]


#9 2006-03-25 23:15:01

From: Germany
Registered: 2005-10-08
Posts: 47

Re: What to do with .pacnew/.pacsave files?

Yes, that's obvious.
But after an reboot?


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