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Hi Guys,
I have some weird issues with Gnome Network manager when I first boot up. I seem to have 2 profiles for my network connection enp3s0. I have a static IP for my PC,, as I share music and photo's with a media centre PC in another room. But when I boot up or reboot the PC, it defaults to what appears to be another static IP address,, that was used during the installation of Arch. I have disabled dhcpcd via
systemctl disable dhcpcd.service
but I can't seem to find where this weird IP is coming from.
If I open a command prompt at first login, and I issue ifconfig, my PC has the 109 IP address. If I expand on the Wired icon in Gnome's top right panel, I can see the two profiles, the incorrect one has a small dot next to it, to indicate its active. If I click on it, it disappears and my network becomes disconnected. When I reconnect, I get the correct profile with the correct IP address of 66, the 109 profile has gone.
If I go into the Weird Settings just after login, without clicking on any profiles, I have 2 settings in the box, the top one has a tick next to it and ther bottom one hasn't. If I click on the cog for the first profile, I can see it has a static of 109. Under identity, I remove the ticks for connect automatically and make available to ther users and apply. I reboot and the 109 profile is still there.
Proud Arch Linux User