You are not logged in.
I installed Monitorix on my home server and want it to work together with an Apache HTTP server. I think I configured it correctly, and I can reach Monitorix's home page, but when I click on 'OK' to view the data, instead what I get is what I assume to be a perl script:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Monitorix - A lightweight system monitoring tool.
# Copyright (C) 2005-2015 by Jordi Sanfeliu <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
use strict;
use warnings;
use FindBin qw($Bin);
use lib $Bin . "/lib", "/usr/lib/monitorix";
use Monitorix;
use CGI qw(:standard);
use Config::General;
use POSIX;
use RRDs;
my %config;
my %cgi;
my %colors;
my %tf;
my @version12;
my @version12_small;
sub multihost {
my ($config, $colors, $cgi) = @_;
my $n;
my $n2;
my @host;
my @url;
my @foot_url;
my $multihost = $config->{multihost};
if($cgi->{val} =~ m/group(\d*)/) {
my @remotegroup_desc;
# all groups
if($cgi->{val} eq "group") {
my @remotegroup_list = split(',', $multihost->{remotegroup_list});
for($n = 0; $n < scalar(@remotegroup_list); $n++) {
scalar(my @tmp = split(',', $multihost->{remotegroup_desc}->{$n}));
for($n2 = 0; $n2 < scalar(@tmp); $n2++) {
push(@remotegroup_desc, trim($tmp[$n2]));
# specific group
if($cgi->{val} =~ m/group(\d+)/) {
my $gnum = int($1);
@remotegroup_desc = split(',', $multihost->{remotegroup_desc}->{$gnum});
my @remotehost_list = split(',', $multihost->{remotehost_list});
for($n = 0; $n < scalar(@remotegroup_desc); $n++) {
my $h = trim($remotegroup_desc[$n]);
for($n2 = 0; $n2 < scalar(@remotehost_list); $n2++) {
my $h2 = trim($remotehost_list[$n2]);
if($h eq $h2) {
push(@host, $h);
push(@url, (split(',', $multihost->{remotehost_desc}->{$n2}))[0] . (split(',', $multihost->{remotehost_desc}->{$n2}))[2]);
push(@foot_url, (split(',', $multihost->{remotehost_desc}->{$n2}))[0] . (split(',', $multihost->{remotehost_desc}->{$n2}))[1]);
} else {
my @remotehost_list = split(',', $multihost->{remotehost_list});
for($n = 0; $n < scalar(@remotehost_list); $n++) {
push(@host, trim($remotehost_list[$n]));
push(@url, (split(',', $multihost->{remotehost_desc}->{$n}))[0] . (split(',', $multihost->{remotehost_desc}->{$n}))[2]);
push(@foot_url, (split(',', $multihost->{remotehost_desc}->{$n}))[0] . (split(',', $multihost->{remotehost_desc}->{$n}))[1]);
$multihost->{graphs_per_row} = 1 unless $multihost->{graphs_per_row} > 1;
my $graph = ($cgi->{graph} eq "all" || $cgi->{graph} =~ m/group\[0-9]*/) ? "_system1" : $cgi->{graph};
if($cgi->{val} eq "all" || $cgi->{val} =~ m/group[0-9]*/) {
for($n = 0; $n < scalar(@host); $n += $multihost->{graphs_per_row}) {
print "<table cellspacing='5' cellpadding='0' width='1' bgcolor='$colors->{graph_bg_color}' border='1'>\n";
print " <tr>\n";
for($n2 = 0; $n2 < $multihost->{graphs_per_row}; $n2++) {
if($n < scalar(@host)) {
print " <td bgcolor='$colors->{title_bg_color}'>\n";
print " <font face='Verdana, sans-serif' color='$colors->{fg_color}'>\n";
print " <b> " . $host[$n] . "</b>\n";
print " </font>\n";
print " </td>\n";
print " </tr>\n";
print " <tr>\n";
for($n2 = 0, $n = $n - $multihost->{graphs_per_row}; $n2 < $multihost->{graphs_per_row}; $n2++) {
if($n < scalar(@host)) {
print " <td bgcolor='$colors->{title_bg_color}' style='vertical-align: top; height: 10%; width: 10%;'>\n";
print " <iframe src='" . $url[$n] . "/monitorix.cgi?mode=localhost&when=$cgi->{when}&graph=$graph&color=$cgi->{color}&silent=imagetag' height=201 width=397 frameborder=0 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 scrolling=no></iframe>\n";
print " </td>\n";
print " </tr>\n";
print " <tr>\n";
for($n2 = 0, $n = $n - $multihost->{graphs_per_row}; $n2 < $multihost->{graphs_per_row}; $n2++) {
if($n < scalar(@host)) {
if(lc($multihost->{footer_url}) eq "y") {
print " <td bgcolor='$colors->{title_bg_color}'>\n";
print " <font face='Verdana, sans-serif' color='$colors->{title_fg_color}'>\n";
print " <font size='-1'>\n";
print " <b> <a href='" . $foot_url[$n] . "' style='color: " . $colors->{title_fg_color} . ";'>$foot_url[$n]</a></b>\n";
print " </font></font>\n";
print " </td>\n";
$n = $n - $multihost->{graphs_per_row};
print " </tr>\n";
print "</table>\n";
print "<br>\n";
} else {
print " <table cellspacing='5' cellpadding='0' width='1' bgcolor='$colors->{graph_bg_color}' border='1'>\n";
print " <tr>\n";
print " <td bgcolor='$colors->{title_bg_color}'>\n";
print " <font face='Verdana, sans-serif' color='$colors->{fg_color}'>\n";
print " <b> " . $host[$cgi->{val}] . "</b>\n";
print " </font>\n";
print " </td>\n";
print " </tr>\n";
print " <tr>\n";
print " <td bgcolor='$colors->{title_bg_color}' style='vertical-align: top; height: 10%; width: 10%;'>\n";
print " <iframe src='" . (split(',', $multihost->{remotehost_desc}->{$cgi->{val}}))[0] . (split(',', $multihost->{remotehost_desc}->{$cgi->{val}}))[2] . "/monitorix.cgi?mode=localhost&when=$cgi->{when}&graph=$graph&color=$cgi->{color}&silent=imagetagbig' height=249 width=545 frameborder=0 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 scrolling=no></iframe>\n";
print " </td>\n";
print " </tr>\n";
print " <tr>\n";
if(lc($multihost->{footer_url}) eq "y") {
print " <td bgcolor='$colors->{title_bg_color}'>\n";
print " <font face='Verdana, sans-serif' color='$colors->{title_fg_color}'>\n";
print " <font size='-1'>\n";
print " <b> <a href='" . $foot_url[$cgi->{val}] . "' style='color: " . $colors->{title_fg_color} . ";'>$foot_url[$cgi->{val}]</a></b>\n";
print " </font></font>\n";
print " </td>\n";
print " </tr>\n";
print " </table>\n";
print " <br>\n";
sub graph_header {
my ($title, $colspan) = @_;
print("<!-- graph table begins -->\n");
print(" <table cellspacing='5' cellpadding='0' width='1' bgcolor='$colors{graph_bg_color}' border='1'>\n");
print(" <tr>\n");
print(" <td bgcolor='$colors{title_bg_color}' colspan='$colspan'>\n");
print(" <font face='Verdana, sans-serif' color='$colors{title_fg_color}'>\n");
print(" <b> $title</b>\n");
print(" </font>\n");
print(" </td>\n");
print(" </tr>\n");
sub graph_footer {
print(" </table>\n");
print("<!-- graph table ends -->\n");
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
open(IN, "< monitorix.conf.path");
my $config_path = <IN>;
if(! -f $config_path) {
print(<< "EOF");
Content-Type: text/plain
FATAL: Monitorix is unable to continue!
File 'monitorix.conf.path' was not found.
Please make sure that 'base_dir' option is correctly configured and this
CGI (monitorix.cgi) is located in the 'base_dir'/cgi/ directory.
And don't forget to restart Monitorix for the changes to take effect!
die "FATAL: File 'monitorix.conf.path' was not found!";
# load main configuration file
my $conf = new Config::General(
-ConfigFile => $config_path,
%config = $conf->getall;
# load additional configuration files
if($config{include_dir} && opendir(DIR, $config{include_dir})) {
my @files = grep { !/^[.]/ } readdir(DIR);
foreach my $c (sort @files) {
next unless -f $config{include_dir} . "/$c";
next unless $c =~ m/\.conf$/;
my $conf_inc = new Config::General(
-ConfigFile => $config{include_dir} . "/$c",
my %config_inc = $conf_inc->getall;
while(my ($key, $val) = each(%config_inc)) {
if(ref($val) eq "HASH") {
# two level options
while(my ($key2, $val2) = each(%{$val})) {
if(ref($val2) eq "HASH") {
# three level options
while(my ($key3, $val3) = each(%{$val2})) {
$config{$key}->{$key2}->{$key3} = $val3;
delete $config_inc{$key}->{$key2}->{$key3};
$config{$key}->{$key2} = $val2;
delete $config_inc{$key}->{$key2};
# graph_name option is special
if($key eq "graph_name") {
$config{graph_name} .= ", $val";
delete $config_inc{graph_name};
# one level options
$config{$key} = $val;
delete $config_inc{$key};
$config{url} = ($config{url_prefix_proxy} || "");
if(!$config{url}) {
$config{url} = ($ENV{HTTPS} || ($config{httpd_builtin}->{https_url} || "n") eq "y") ? "https://" . $ENV{HTTP_HOST} : "http://" . $ENV{HTTP_HOST};
$config{hostname} = $config{hostname} || $ENV{SERVER_NAME};
if(!($config{hostname})) { # called from the command line
$config{hostname} = "";
$config{url} = "";
$config{url} .= $config{base_url};
our $mode = defined(param('mode')) ? param('mode') : '';
our $graph = param('graph');
our $when = param('when');
our $color = param('color');
our $val = defined(param('val')) ? param('val') : '';
our $silent = defined(param('silent')) ? param('silent') : '';
if($mode ne "localhost") {
($mode, $val) = split(/\./, $mode);
if(lc($config{httpd_builtin}->{enabled}) ne "y") {
print("Content-Type: text/html\n");
# get the current OS and kernel version
my $release;
($config{os}, undef, $release) = uname();
if(!($release =~ m/^(\d+)\.(\d+)/)) {
die "FATAL: unable to get the kernel version.";
$config{kernel} = "$1.$2";
$colors{graph_colors} = ();
$colors{warning_color} = "--color=CANVAS#880000";
# keep backwards compatibility for v3.2.1 and less
if(ref($config{theme}) ne "HASH") {
if(!$config{theme}->{$color}) {
$color = "white";
$config{theme}->{$color}->{main_bg} = "FFFFFF";
$config{theme}->{$color}->{main_fg} = "000000";
$config{theme}->{$color}->{title_bg} = "777777";
$config{theme}->{$color}->{title_fg} = "CCCC00";
$config{theme}->{$color}->{graph_bg} = "CCCCCC";
$config{theme}->{$color}->{gap} = "000000";
if($color eq "black") {
push(@{$colors{graph_colors}}, "--color=CANVAS#" . $config{theme}->{$color}->{canvas});
push(@{$colors{graph_colors}}, "--color=BACK#" . $config{theme}->{$color}->{back});
push(@{$colors{graph_colors}}, "--color=FONT#" . $config{theme}->{$color}->{font});
push(@{$colors{graph_colors}}, "--color=MGRID#" . $config{theme}->{$color}->{mgrid});
push(@{$colors{graph_colors}}, "--color=GRID#" . $config{theme}->{$color}->{grid});
push(@{$colors{graph_colors}}, "--color=FRAME#" . $config{theme}->{$color}->{frame});
push(@{$colors{graph_colors}}, "--color=ARROW#" . $config{theme}->{$color}->{arrow});
push(@{$colors{graph_colors}}, "--color=SHADEA#" . $config{theme}->{$color}->{shadea});
push(@{$colors{graph_colors}}, "--color=SHADEB#" . $config{theme}->{$color}->{shadeb});
push(@{$colors{graph_colors}}, "--color=AXIS#" . $config{theme}->{$color}->{axis})
if defined($config{theme}->{$color}->{axis});
$colors{bg_color} = $config{theme}->{$color}->{main_bg};
$colors{fg_color} = $config{theme}->{$color}->{main_fg};
$colors{title_bg_color} = $config{theme}->{$color}->{title_bg};
$colors{title_fg_color} = $config{theme}->{$color}->{title_fg};
$colors{graph_bg_color} = $config{theme}->{$color}->{graph_bg};
$colors{gap} = $config{theme}->{$color}->{gap};
($tf{twhen}) = ($when =~ m/(hour|day|week|month|year)$/);
($tf{nwhen} = $when) =~ s/$tf{twhen}// unless !$tf{twhen};
$tf{nwhen} = 1 unless $tf{nwhen};
$tf{twhen} = "day" unless $tf{twhen};
$tf{when} = $tf{nwhen} . $tf{twhen};
# toggle this to 1 if you want to maintain old (2.3-) Monitorix with Multihost
if($config{backwards_compat_old_multihost}) {
$tf{when} = $tf{twhen};
our ($res, $tc, $tb, $ts);
if($tf{twhen} eq "day") {
($tf{res}, $tf{tc}, $tf{tb}, $tf{ts}) = (3600, 'h', 24, 1);
if($tf{twhen} eq "week") {
($tf{res}, $tf{tc}, $tf{tb}, $tf{ts}) = (108000, 'd', 7, 1);
if($tf{twhen} eq "month") {
($tf{res}, $tf{tc}, $tf{tb}, $tf{ts}) = (216000, 'd', 30, 1);
if($tf{twhen} eq "year") {
($tf{res}, $tf{tc}, $tf{tb}, $tf{ts}) = (5184000, 'd', 365, 1);
if($RRDs::VERSION > 1.2) {
push(@version12, "--slope-mode");
push(@version12, "--font=LEGEND:7:");
push(@version12, "--font=TITLE:9:");
push(@version12, "--font=UNIT:8:");
if($RRDs::VERSION >= 1.3) {
push(@version12, "--font=DEFAULT:0:Mono");
if($tf{twhen} eq "day") {
push(@version12, "--x-grid=HOUR:1:HOUR:6:HOUR:6:0:%R");
push(@version12_small, "--font=TITLE:8:");
push(@version12_small, "--font=UNIT:7:");
if($RRDs::VERSION >= 1.3) {
push(@version12_small, "--font=DEFAULT:0:Mono");
if(!$silent) {
my $title;
my $str;
my $piwik_code = "";
my ($piwik_url, $piwik_sid, $piwik_img);
# Piwik tracking code
if(lc($config{piwik_tracking}->{enabled}) eq "y") {
$piwik_url = $config{piwik_tracking}->{url} || "";
$piwik_sid = $config{piwik_tracking}->{sid} || "";
$piwik_img = $config{piwik_tracking}->{img} || "";
$piwik_code = <<"EOF";
<!-- Piwik -->
<script type="text/javascript">
var _paq = _paq || [];
(function() {
var u=(("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https" : "http") + "$piwik_url";
_paq.push(['setTrackerUrl', u+'piwik.php']);
_paq.push(['setSiteId', $piwik_sid]);
var d=document, g=d.createElement('script'), s=d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; g.type='text/javascript';
g.defer=true; g.async=true; g.src=u+'piwik.js';
<p><img src="$piwik_img" style="border:0;" alt=""/></p>
<!-- End Piwik Code -->
print("<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN'>\n");
print(" <head>\n");
print(" <title>$config{title}</title>\n");
print(" <link rel='shortcut icon' href='" . $config{url} . "/" . $config{favicon} . "'>\n");
if($config{refresh_rate}) {
print(" <meta http-equiv='Refresh' content='" . $config{refresh_rate} . "'>\n");
print(" </head>\n");
print(" <body bgcolor='" . $colors{bg_color} . "' vlink='#888888' link='#888888'>\n");
print(" $piwik_code\n");
print(" <center>\n");
print(" <table cellspacing='5' cellpadding='0' bgcolor='" . $colors{graph_bg_color} . "' border='1'>\n");
print(" <tr>\n");
if(($val ne "all" || $val ne "group") && $mode ne "multihost") {
print(" <td bgcolor='" . $colors{title_bg_color} . "'>\n");
print(" <font face='Verdana, sans-serif' color='" . $colors{title_fg_color} . "'>\n");
print(" <font size='5'><b> Host: </b></font>\n");
print(" </font>\n");
print(" </td>\n");
if($val =~ m/group(\d+)/) {
my $gnum = $1;
my $gname = (split(',', $config{multihost}->{remotegroup_list}))[$gnum];
$gname = trim($gname);
print(" <td bgcolor='" . $colors{title_bg_color} . "'>\n");
print(" <font face='Verdana, sans-serif' color='" . $colors{title_fg_color} . "'>\n");
print(" <font size='5'><b> $gname </b></font>\n");
print(" </font>\n");
print(" </td>\n");
print(" <td bgcolor='" . $colors{bg_color} . "'>\n");
print(" <font face='Verdana, sans-serif' color='" . $colors{fg_color} . "'>\n");
if($mode eq "localhost" || $mode eq "traffacct") {
$title = $config{hostname};
} elsif($mode eq "multihost") {
$graph = $graph eq "all" ? "_system1" : $graph;
my ($g1, $g2) = ($graph =~ /(_\D+).*?(\d)$/);
if($g1 eq "_port") {
$title = $config{graphs}->{$g1};
$g2 = trim((split(',', $config{port}->{list}))[$g2]);
$title .= " " . $g2;
$g2 = (split(',', $config{port}->{desc}->{$g2}))[0];
$title .= " (" . trim($g2) . ")";
} else {
$g2 = "" if $g1 eq "_proc"; # '_procn' must be converted to '_proc'
$title = $config{graphs}->{$g1 . $g2};
$title =~ s/ / /g;
print(" <font size='5'><b> $title </b></font>\n");
print(" </font>\n");
print(" </td>\n");
print(" <td bgcolor='" . $colors{title_bg_color} . "'>\n");
print(" <font face='Verdana, sans-serif' color='" . $colors{title_fg_color} . "'>\n");
print(" <font size='5'><b> last $tf{twhen} </b></font>\n");
print(" </font>\n");
print(" </td>\n");
print(" </tr>\n");
print(" </table>\n");
print(" <font face='Verdana, sans-serif' color='" . $colors{fg_color} . "'>\n");
print(" <h4><font color='#888888'>" . strftime("%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Z %Y", localtime) . "</font></h4>\n");
$cgi{colors} = \%colors;
$cgi{tf} = \%tf;
$cgi{version12} = \@version12;
$cgi{version12_small} = \@version12_small;
$cgi{graph} = $graph;
$cgi{when} = $when;
$cgi{color} = $color;
$cgi{val} = $val;
$cgi{silent} = $silent;
if($mode eq "localhost") {
foreach (split(',', $config{graph_name})) {
my $gn = trim($_);
my $g = "";
if($graph ne "all") {
($g) = ($graph =~ m/^_*($gn)\d*$/);
next unless $g;
if(lc($config{graph_enable}->{$gn}) eq "y") {
my $cgi = $gn . "_cgi";
eval "use $gn qw(" . $cgi . ")";
if($@) {
print(STDERR "WARNING: unable to load module '$gn. $@'\n");
if($graph eq "all" || $gn eq $g) {
no strict "refs";
&$cgi($gn, \%config, \%cgi);
} elsif($mode eq "multihost") {
multihost(\%config, \%colors, \%cgi);
} elsif($mode eq "traffacct") {
eval "use $mode qw(traffacct_cgi)";
if($@) {
print(STDERR "WARNING: unable to load module '$mode'. $@\n");
traffacct_cgi($mode, \%config, \%cgi);
if(!$silent) {
print(" </font>\n");
print(" </center>\n");
print("<!-- footer begins -->\n");
print(" <p>\n");
print(" <a href=''><img src='" . $config{url} . "/" . $config{logo_bottom} . "' border='0'></a>\n");
print(" <br>\n");
print(" <font face='Verdana, sans-serif' color='" . $colors{fg_color} . "' size='-2'>\n");
print("Copyright © 2005-2015 Jordi Sanfeliu\n");
print(" </font>\n");
print(" </body>\n");
print("<!-- footer ends -->\n");
Last edited by joaocandre (2015-03-15 20:45:19)
Have you read … torix_Data ?
Have you read … torix_Data ?
I did, anything I'm missing? I'm sure base_dir is correctly set up in the config file. Other than that, the wiki article doesn't have any information if there's any additional steps to set it up on an Apache server.
Found the necessary changes to the config file in Problem solved.
For posterity's sake, what change did you make. That link only mentions a change to the apache config, namely adding mod_perl. Is this what you did?
"We may say most aptly, that the Analytical Engine weaves algebraical patterns just as the Jacquard-loom weaves flowers and leaves." - Ada Lovelace
Added ExecCGI to the Options directive, and uncommented AddHandler cgi-script .cgi. Having mod_perl installed/loaded is irrelevant (at least it was in my case). No changes were necessary on Monitorix config.