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#26 2006-03-25 01:13:34

Virtual DarKness
From: Italy
Registered: 2004-04-02
Posts: 32

Re: Arch Linux 0.7.1 - my feedback

To all those in this page pointed out that there is the cvs and that I can compile from PKGBUILD i have to say that they didn't read what I wrote wink

The idea of the old stuff repo is because starting from cvs is a big mess to keep dependencies "aligned" between packages for example mysql-php-apache.. you have to search the right revision of all packages and related files / patches that matches that "era".

So this is always easy that build it from scratch but is a huge waste of time cause the done has already been done by packagers once .. why should I / you do it again??

anyway to be sharp:
- no, is not the first time I use arch
- no don't focus to the software I need but to the problem cause else is like the one who looks the finger that points the moon instead of look to the moon wink


Linux registered user #72162


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