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#1 2015-04-21 19:14:45

Registered: 2014-09-25
Posts: 26

bidirectionally syncing 2 or more servers

I have gone through about 6 or so different sync applications to try and get some of my folders on two arch linux web machines syncing. To name the ones I can think of off the top of my head, they are: osync, unison, glusterfs, lsyncd, and syncthing with the syncthing-inotify program.
Each one has fallen down in one way or the other. I thought I had syncthing working, but apparently the stress of having to keep track of over 53k files is getting to it, and it now doesn't want to sync. So my question:

Does anyone know of a relatively easy to set up, bidirectional sync solution (preferably that can sync multiple servers, but if I have to set it up in a star configuration I can, that also preferably can sync as soon or very soon after the file is changed/created?


#2 2015-04-21 20:19:27

From: Poland
Registered: 2004-11-30
Posts: 4,018

Re: bidirectionally syncing 2 or more servers

Perhaps btsync?


#3 2015-04-22 11:15:41

Registered: 2014-09-25
Posts: 26

Re: bidirectionally syncing 2 or more servers

I've thought about btsync, but the problem there is, as far as I know, it doesn't provide anything like syncthing-inotify to make transfers almost immediately on update/create.


#4 2015-04-22 11:24:41

Registered: 2008-11-14
Posts: 2,426

Re: bidirectionally syncing 2 or more servers

i use this to sync multiple clients, as a dropbox replacement, i really don't know if it would give problems with 53k files...

# cat /etc/systemd/system/unison.service 
Description=unison sync a pi

ExecStart=/usr/bin/sudo -H -u kokoko3k /path/to/

# cat  /path/to/

#This script will mimic Dropbox behaviour by using unison.
#it is STRONGLY advised to do the first sync manually

#You need:
#  ssh on client and server
#  ability to log in to the server as root with no password using ssh
#  inotifywait
#  sudo
#  unison
#  optionally, notify-send and a notification daemon running.

#Begin of configuration

  LDIR="/home/kokoko3k/Dropbox/"                 #Local Dir  ; Please use full path names
  RDIR="/home/kokoko3k/unison/"                  #Remote Dir ; Please use full path names

  RHOST="pi"                            #Remote Host
  RPORT="40022"                         #Remote Port

  TIMEOUT=60                          #Time in secs to check if something changed remotely

  user=kokoko3k                             #The user to send notifications to
  process=plasma-desktop                #A dbus registered process to send notifications
  ICON=~/scripts/unison.sync.png        #Icon for notify-send

  LOGFILE=/home/kokoko3k/.unison/complete.log        #Complete Logfile
  LOGFILELAST=/home/kokoko3k/.unison/last.log        #Partial Logfile (holds last sync info until a TIMEOUT cycle)
  LOGFILEDEBUG=/home/kokoko3k/.unison/debug.log      #Messages useful for debug

#End of configuration

# Function used to send notifications
    for p in $(pgrep $process); do
                dbus=$(grep -z DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS /proc/$p/environ | sed 's/DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=//')
                user=$(grep -m 1 -z USER /proc/$p/environ | sed 's/USER=//')
                dply=$(grep -z DISPLAY /proc/$p/environ | sed 's/DISPLAY=//')
                sudo -u $user sh -c "DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=\"$dbus\" DISPLAY=\"$dply\" notify-send -i $ICON \"$1\" \"$2\" "

# Main sync function
  unison -logfile $LOGFILELAST         \
         -batch -prefer newer -times   \
         -copymax 10 -maxthreads 10    \
         $LDIR ssh://root@$RHOST/$RDIR \
         -sshargs "-p $RPORT -o cipher=arcfour" &> $LOGFILEDEBUG


while true ; do
        rm $LOGFILELAST $LOGFILEDEBUG &>/dev/null
                (unisync) || (sleep 2 ; unisync) || (sleep 3 ; unisync) || (sleep 5 ; unisync)

        if [ -s $LOGFILELAST ] ; then
                notify-send-all "Unison: $(grep failed $LOGFILELAST)" "$(grep -v 'failed\|started\|BGN\|finished' $LOGFILELAST)"
                cat $LOGFILELAST >> $LOGFILE

        timeout $TIMEOUT inotifywait -r -e modify,move,create,delete $LDIR &>/dev/null


For me, the "server" is a raspberry pi and the clients are 3 Pcs with root ssh access to it (hostkey authentication); I use it to sync my savegames, and it works ; optionally it will notify you about the sync status (if you want the notifications, you have to run a notification daemon and change "plasma-desktop" to something specific to your environment.
through inotify, the changes are immediately synced to the server.
the clients will pull the changes every $TIMEOUT seconds.

* If fileA is newer than fileB, and they have the same name, fileB is overwritten everywhere.
* sync process will sync deletions too.

you may need to raise: /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches

If you need clientA to be notified instantly about changes happened on clientB and don't want to wait for $TIMEOUT, you could:

* setup host based authentication from the server to the clients
* set an inotify on the server to the sync folder
* restart the unison server remotely through ssh

...or just set $TIMEOUT to a lower value smile

Last edited by kokoko3k (2015-04-22 11:37:14)

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#5 2015-04-22 12:40:58

From: Denmark
Registered: 2007-06-13
Posts: 1,229

Re: bidirectionally syncing 2 or more servers

Have you tried csync2? Perhaps in combination with lsyncd or incron?


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