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#1 2015-04-15 13:35:36

From: /dev/null
Registered: 2012-05-27
Posts: 130

NetworkManager/wpa_supplicant connection stalling


I have a MacBook Pro 11,1 and NetworkManagers works like a charm.
Problem is that very often, I have to reconnect to the wifi because the internet connection drops, but network manager says that everything is ok.
I don't see anything suspicious in the logs and this happens to all wifis I've tested.
Any help?
Tell me what logs you need...


#2 2015-04-18 16:40:47

Registered: 2013-04-01
Posts: 24

Re: NetworkManager/wpa_supplicant connection stalling

Check dmesg, and the relevant daemons' logs:

dmesg | tail
systemctl status dhcpcd
systemctl status NetworkManager

Does the connection actually drop according to NetworkManager, or is it only the web browser?


#3 2015-04-22 17:50:59

Registered: 2014-04-02
Posts: 10

Re: NetworkManager/wpa_supplicant connection stalling

I seem to have the same problem in a macbook 10,1 (BCM4331). As far as I know, I see nothing unusual in the logs and the connection never drops -- it just stops transferring data. I have tried wl and b43, dhclient and NM's internal client. Tried downgrading the kernel back to 3.18. I have changed the router config for the slowest speed (compatibility) but to no avail. It happens randomly and I'm unable to reproduce it.

Has anyone experienced the same?

Will keep investigating.


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