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I followed the archwiki with systemctl , but localhost:8080 remained blank. Then I edit bashrc and change the TOMCAT_JAVA_HOME variable like this guy here:
But nothing happens !
The command >>journalctl<< returns
Apr 25 11:37:02 gary systemd[1]: Started Tomcat 7 servlet container.
Apr 25 11:37:02 gary polkitd[376]: Unregistered Authentication Agent for unix-process:6481:1319631 (system bus name :1.34, object path /or
Apr 25 11:37:23 gary root[6493]: ACPI action undefined: PNP0C0A:00
What is the problem ?
Last edited by joyce (2015-04-25 19:46:14)
Apr 25 11:37:02 gary systemd[1]: Started Tomcat 7 servlet container.
This implies it runs fine, not sure why you editted your bashrc. Does `ss -lnp|grep 8080` show any running process listening on that port? What does `systemctl status tomcat7` output?
thanks for help. After lunch I can see the tomcat HP now, the command
$ ss -lnp|grep
tcp LISTEN 0 100 :::8080 :::*
I edit the bashrc to point TOMCAT_JAVA_HOME to the java-sdk-8 - an older forum poster said he changed the bashrc to get sun java permanently. His error messages was caused because TOMCAT_JAVA_HOME pointed to openjdk.
So, my bashrc contains a line:
I tried according to archwiki on Java:
# archlinux-java status
Available Java environments:
java-8-jdk (default)
# archlinux-java set java-8-sdk
'/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-sdk' is not a valid Java environment path
I am confused ?!
[SOLVED] I rollbacked the bashrc edit and tomcat7 HP showed up without problems. Thanks for help !