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#1 2015-04-30 19:35:26

Registered: 2013-11-16
Posts: 13

[SOLVED] Transferring network settings from /etc/network/interfaces

I installed Arch Linux on my desktop machine at work and would like to copy the network configuration I had before on Ubuntu.

This is the contents of /etc/network/interfaces on my old machine:

% cat /etc/network/interfaces
# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
# and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).

# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

# The primary network interface
#auto eth0
auto eth1
#iface eth0 inet static
iface eth1 inet static
# this is the ip address for 3E.161:
# address x.x.x.x
# this is the ip address for 3E.
address x.x.x.x
# this is the gateway for 3E.161:
# gateway x.x.x.y
# this is the gateway for 3E.
gateway x.x.x.y
dns-nameservers x.x.x.a x.x.x.b
dns-search domain1 domain2
dns-domain domain3

The corresponding interface in my Arch installation would be enp4s0.

I would like to use NetworkManager, so I can use the KDE network widget. How do I need to configure NetworkManager/enp4s0 such that it corresponds to the interfaces file above?

Thank you


Last edited by hanslovsky (2015-04-30 20:47:50)


#2 2015-04-30 19:42:52

Registered: 2011-10-22
Posts: 1,539

Re: [SOLVED] Transferring network settings from /etc/network/interfaces

Looks like a pretty basic setup. What exactly is unclear? Or do you just want to be spoonfed?


#3 2015-04-30 20:47:33

Registered: 2013-11-16
Posts: 13

Re: [SOLVED] Transferring network settings from /etc/network/interfaces

My bad, I did not find the network settings for the KDE NetworkManager Applet for quite a while. I was right-clicking the networking symbol in the tray and then clicked Network Settings instead of left-clicking the symbol and then clicking on the small Settings symbol in the top right corner. That's why I thought there must be configuration files that I could not find described on the wiki. Once I found the settings, it was straight forward as you said.

I do have access now with my static ip address and the options above.


#4 2015-04-30 21:35:28

Registered: 2011-10-22
Posts: 1,539

Re: [SOLVED] Transferring network settings from /etc/network/interfaces

Ah, so the question was actually how to get to the settings rather than what to set them to? Well, good to see you figured it out.

You can probably also get it to work just by editing/creating a file in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections, but one of the UIs would be easier.


#5 2015-04-30 21:59:29

Registered: 2013-11-16
Posts: 13

Re: [SOLVED] Transferring network settings from /etc/network/interfaces

Thanks for pointing me to /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections, that will be definitely useful. KDE NetworkManager has created a file there with my settings that I can use for future reference.


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