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I made a torrent on my server using transmission but I'm unable to download it from other computers.
Here's what I ran on the server:
$ transmission-create -t udp:// -t udp:// -t udp:// -t udp:// /data/
$ transmission-remote -l
ID Done Have ETA Up Down Ratio Status Name
4 100% 628.1 MB Done 11.0 0.0 5.0 Seeding archlinux-2015.04.01-dual.iso
10 100% 456.2 MB Done 0.0 0.0 0.0 Idle
Sum: 1.08 GB 11.0 0.0
So it looks like it was added just fine. I don't want to upload the torrent to any torrent sites so I just used some public trackers that I found.
But when I copy the torrent to another computer and add it to transmission-gtk it just says "Downloading from 0 of 0 peers - Stalled". That computer definitely download other torrents just fine because I just got Arch using it. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
The first and most important question is if you can accept connections from other peers. Isn't your firewall blocking connections? Aren't you behind NAT without a proper port forwarding configuration?
I'm not sure if Transmission supports multiple trackers. If no then with 4 trackers you have 75% chances that the other side will use a different tracker and will never learn about your seed. If this happens, better stick to a single tracker in the top tier. Do not forget about enabling DHT in your clients — there is really no reason to rely on centralized architecture until you're using a private tracker, which is not the case here.
Also keep in mind that usually there may be a small delay (dozen minutes?) between you start seeding your file and the tracker updates tables it shares with other peers.
Last edited by mpan (2015-04-30 03:00:47)
Sometimes I seem a bit harsh — don’t get offended too easily!
I'm pretty sure I can connect to other peers since I am uploading for the other torrents I download (you can see I have a ratio of 5.0 for the Arch ISO in my first post). Unless the connection settings are different for torrents I created myself?
I'm pretty sure I don't have a firewall running and my router has forwarded port 51413 for TCP and UDP. Also I made the torrent last night and have left both the seeder and the leecher running all day. So I doubt that it's just a delay in the tracker or something.
Last edited by silverhammermba (2015-04-30 03:10:44)
I think you may have forgotten something:
1 create it :
transmission-create -t udp:// -t udp:// -t udp:// -t udp:// --outputfile myfile.torrent /data/
2 check it:
transmission-show myfile.torrent
3 add it:
transmission-remote --add example.torrent
note in step 1 your command does not contain "--outputfile <name>.torrent"
you could also add "--private" &/or "--comment <comment>"
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Linux User: 401820 FM-Reddit
--outputfile is optional actually. It defaults to the original filename plus .torrent. I should have mentioned that my transmission is set up to automatically add torrents from that directory, which is why I didn't need to add it explicitly.
If you check the output of transmission-remote -l in my first post, you'll see that it added the torrent successfully and appears to be ready to upload it.
I've ignored the 5.0 ratio on Arch ISO, since a non-zero ratio does not imply connectiveness. If a remote peer is able to receive connections, it may still download from you even if you can't accept connections from him. After the response I assume, however, that you're able to accept connections.
Have you read the part about multiple trackers? I've edited the post and — possibly — you may have missed it when responding.
If using multiple trackers is not the reason, I have no further ideas, what could be wrong.
There is no reason for adding --private for public torrents. It will only make make their distribution harder as clients will use neither DHT nor trackers other than the ones specified by the publisher. --private is for creating private torrents.
Sometimes I seem a bit harsh — don’t get offended too easily!
I just read about how multiple trackers can be bad for a torrent so I recreated it with just one tracker, and still no luck getting it to download.
I'm confused about the connectiveness though. How would it be possible that I can seed one file but not another one (assuming the tracker is working)? Is there some way I can test connectiveness directly?