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#1 2015-05-11 12:59:20

Registered: 2015-05-07
Posts: 4

Cannot move resolv.conf - Device or resource busy error

Going through the 'Beginners Guide', when I get to the 'Configure the network' section, I tried following the instructions for a systemd installation. One of the first things it says to do in the 'Required services and setup' in the systemd-networkd page on the Wiki is the delete or move resolv.conf, and then create a symlink from the systemd version. However, when I try to move resolv.conf I get the message:

mv: cannot move resolv.conf to resolv.conf.bak: Device or resource busy.

I tried searching for the error message on the forums and Google and didn't see anything that seemed to be relevant. This has happened on the two machines I've tried installing Arch on - an old laptop, and my new desktop machine, so I don't think it's a machine-specific problem, and I was surprised not to see it mentioned anywhere.

Is there anything I can do during the installation phase to sort this out, or should I just wait until I boot into my system for the first time to set up the networking? As it's my first try at this, I'd like to follow the Beginners Guide to the letter.

I'm using the 201504 release, if that makes any difference.


#2 2015-05-11 14:05:16

Registered: 2009-05-06
Posts: 25,440

Re: Cannot move resolv.conf - Device or resource busy error

My /etc/resolv.conf is still there, isn't linked to anything and I'm using systemd-networkd.
You can skip this, I guess.


#3 2015-05-11 14:16:55

Registered: 2015-05-07
Posts: 4

Re: Cannot move resolv.conf - Device or resource busy error

OK, thanks. I'll give it a try, see what happens.

I did think maybe I'd have to set up networking after doing everything else (or at least getting to a bootable system), so it's no great shakes. I was just a little surprised the problem wasn't mentioned anywhere - maybe I really am the first to hit it, but it seems somewhat unlikely,


#4 2015-05-11 15:02:55

From: Scotland
Registered: 2010-06-16
Posts: 12,616

Re: Cannot move resolv.conf - Device or resource busy error

You only need the symlink if you start/enable systemd-resolved. This service generates a resolv.conf in /run/systemd/resolve/. … rvice.html

If you always use the same name servers, then you'll probably be fine without systemd-resolved and a static /etc/resolv.conf.

edit: Regarding the actual issue -- are you trying to move the liveCD resolv.conf, or the installed system's?

I'm also going to move this to Networking.

Last edited by WorMzy (2015-05-11 15:04:55)

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#5 2015-05-11 15:23:27

Registered: 2015-05-07
Posts: 4

Re: Cannot move resolv.conf - Device or resource busy error

Thanks for that. As this is a desktop PC it's always going to be using the same nameservers, so it looks like I won't need systemd-resolved. Which solves the problem about not being able to move resolv.conf.

As for the actual problem, I'm trying to move the installed resolv.conf. I'm in the arch-chroot environment, and just checked that I am indeed in the /etc directory on the installed system.


#6 2015-05-11 16:16:01

Registered: 2004-06-20
Posts: 1,175

Re: Cannot move resolv.conf - Device or resource busy error

Skyline33 wrote:


I'm in the arch-chroot environment, and just checked that I am indeed in the /etc directory on the installed system.

Same difference wink When using arch-chroot; the resolv.conf is actually a mount from outside the chroot. You can verify this by checking the output from mount. That is the reason you get this error, you should mv the file when not in arch-chroot


#7 2015-05-11 16:34:56

Registered: 2015-05-07
Posts: 4

Re: Cannot move resolv.conf - Device or resource busy error

Ah, ok, fair enough smile As you can tell, I'm still learning this stuff (first time Arch install attempt smile)

Although according to WorMzy I should be alright not using systemd-resolved, as I'm always using the same nameservers.


#8 2015-05-11 17:29:58

Registered: 2004-06-20
Posts: 1,175

Re: Cannot move resolv.conf - Device or resource busy error

Yes I agree, you don't need it. But its good to know why you get an error wink


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