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Just switched to connman with wifi and ethernet working flawlessly.
I read up on how to set up a openvpn config file here: … format.txt
and placed the .config in my /var/lib/connman-vpn/ folder
next, i systemctl enable (and start) connman-vpd.service and checked using ps aux | grep connman-vpd is running; and it was.
When I fire up a terminal and use "connmanctl> services"
I see my vpn name listed. and i go "connmanctl> connect name_of_vpn" and it says "Connected vpn" but nothing happens afterwards.
I check the IP and it hasnt' changed and I check with "connmanctl> state" that I am still connected to home network.
Any advice?
This is my working configuration:
Type = OpenVPN
Name = PIA VPN
Host =
Domain =
OpenVPN.Port = 1194
OpenVPN.CACert = /etc/openvpn/ca.crt
OpenVPN.AuthUserPass = /etc/openvpn/pass.pia
OpenVPN.AuthNoCache = 0
OpenVPN.CompLZO = yes
OpenVPN.RemoteCertTls = server
I'll discuss connman vpn in this related topic to don't duplicate posts.
Last edited by r8b7xy (2015-05-22 08:14:52)
Pages: 1