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#1 2015-05-30 04:01:16

Registered: 2011-07-26
Posts: 16

Add an exception for ssl_verify (self-signed certificate)


How could I add an exception for a self-signed certificate so that irssi accepts it (but only this one)?
I tried adding the certificate to a random folder and doing -ssl_capath=/customdir, but to no avail (still complaining about self-signing).

Anyone has an idea how I could do this?
I don't want to remove the ssl_verify, because this would allow anyone to give any ssl key and spoof it as the real one; I want only the one I approve of to be accepted by irssi

EDIT (06-07-2015):
Turns out you can point to the certificate using the ssl_cafile option. Put ssl_cafile=~/rizon.crt in your server config block. You can get the certificate using commands like:
openssl s_client -showcerts -connect host:port
Get the certificate (--- BEGIN CERTIFICATE -- up to --- END CERTIFICATE --- included and put it in a file pointed to by ssl_cafile)

Last edited by Totony (2015-07-06 07:16:47)


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