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I am having problems with a server installation of Postfix. It can accept mail if I test it locally (mail root to another mailbox) or if I login through imap (my mailbox to another mailbox) but not if I mail the server from an external account - then I get "Recipient address rejected: User unknown in relay recipient table". That is obviously not true ...
I've got all user accounts, domains etc in MySQL. I can also mail from my maibox to an external address (using imap connection).
There's nothing obviously wrong dumped in log files either.
Any ideas where to look to solve this?
Last edited by Shieldfire (2015-06-15 18:34:00)
After fiddling with this for two days, it turns out that the problem is probably on my network (or maybe my laptop).
I've been testing the setup from my laptop using KMail and Thunderbird. Both with the same result. I also tried it from my Windows desktop gaming box with a smtp-test utility. It too failed.
I eventually on a whim sent a mail from GMail, and *that* was recieved ...
Two days .... :sighs: