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Hello Folks,
I a couple of scripts to connect to nfs shares depenant on my home or work connections. I have those sorted out and working fine. I found that if I attempt to reboot or shutdown with those shares mounted, networkmanager hangs my machine for about 5 minutes before finally shutting down.
I got around this by adding a script to /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/pre-down.d
umount -a -l -t nfs4
That works like a charm and networkmanager no longer hangs. I did find a side affect, however. If I connect to the OpenVPN connection I have setup in networkmanager and then disconnect, it runs that pre-down script and umounts my NFS shares.
I tried wrapping the umount command in an if statement much like I have for the nfs mount scripts I have
if [ "$2" = "down" ] && [ "$CONNECTION_UUID" = "7184a43e-5a14-4735-ba56-533b07fd453d" ]
umount -a -l -t nfs4
With that, my nfs shares do not dismount when the VPN is diconnected, however, they don't dismount when the box is rebooted either. I guess that this means that "$2" never equals "down" in the "pre-down" stage, so I get why that doesn't work as I hoped.
Anyone have any insight on what I can do for a script that will umount the nfs shares on shutdown, but not on VPN disconnect?
Indeed, pre-down actions are no longer working (see here).
I am also struggling with the same problem, but haven't found a solution yet.
A solution (maybe not the most elegant one) could be to add a mount statement in your script if $2 is UP, so that, indeed the NFS shares umount on VPN disconnect, but then mount again on reconnect.
Last edited by Guidobelix (2015-06-19 17:07:32)