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#1 2015-07-16 13:08:29

Registered: 2011-01-16
Posts: 146

[VPN] OpenVPN create secure network connection


So, I would like to create a vpn server but I have several questions. Before listing them I would like you to know that I went here and I followed the section on how to setup a client and server, and I'm pretty sure I managed to do it. I could ping the server and client. So here are my questions:

- Am I then able to have a secure internet connection ? If yes how can I manage that ?
- If not do I need a paying VPN, or is my setup sufficient ?

Thank you very much in advance smile

P.S: sorry for my english but english is not my mother tongue


#2 2015-07-16 13:58:26

Forum Fellow
From: Ireland
Registered: 2004-07-21
Posts: 9,839

Re: [VPN] OpenVPN create secure network connection

You need to specify what "secure internet connection" means to you.


#3 2015-07-16 17:39:58

Registered: 2011-01-16
Posts: 146

Re: [VPN] OpenVPN create secure network connection

By secure connection I mean crypting my connection, so that nobody can know  what I am doing.

Thank you again smile


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