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hi i wrote this:
#crontab alarm clock
mpg123 -z@ /home/vladuz/.playlist
and i try to run it with "at"
so for instance, i tried:
at 1622
no errors returned and even if i check it with
I can see it's there with a job ID.
the only thing is it's not running the script.
first i got an error from at saying
No atd running?
so i went and added it to rc.d
and also started it with /etc/rc.d/atd start
and tried again, but nothing is playing. funny thing is when i reboot the computer the music starts playing before i even log in.
what am i doing wrong?
Reading the output of "man at" (please note that I have very few experience with this app) I am not sure about your syntax.
Is it /home/vladuz/alarm the script you want to run? Then you should 1) start atd;
at -f /home/vladuz/alarm 1622
At least, I am able to do the same thing here.
Moreover, is the script executable? If not,
chmod +x /home/vladuz/alarm
Mortuus in anima, curam gero cutis
Pages: 1