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Everything works great for me except the background image for the terminal. There is an error saying /etc/splash/darch/1280x800.cfg cant be found. However, the file is there and the splash loads after udev starts (By the way,t he progress bar now works for me, never has before.)
Not a big deal though.
Did you configure fbsplash appropriately in /etc/mkinitramfs.conf ?
ATi and the rest of the drivers will appear over time.
Everything works great for me except the background image for the terminal. There is an error saying /etc/splash/darch/1280x800.cfg cant be found. However, the file is there and the splash loads after udev starts (By the way,t he progress bar now works for me, never has before.)
Not a big deal though.
Well, I think this is because that file effectively isn't there. The darch theme by default only supports 'standard' resolutions like 800x600, 1024x786 etc. I had to make a cfg file and scale the background images myself to get it to work for 1400x1050.
You like cheese? You like peas? You'll love cheezy peas!
Will shfs be available again in the beyond-patchset? It has been in archck...
Haven't been here in a while. Still rocking Arch.
Will shfs be available again in the beyond-patchset? It has been in archck...
I'll consider entering it back in again, however it hasnt been maintained for a while, and fuse has since been merged, allowing you to use fuse' sshfs instead.
Global Havok wrote:Everything works great for me except the background image for the terminal. There is an error saying /etc/splash/darch/1280x800.cfg cant be found. However, the file is there and the splash loads after udev starts (By the way,t he progress bar now works for me, never has before.)
Not a big deal though.
Well, I think this is because that file effectively isn't there. The darch theme by default only supports 'standard' resolutions like 800x600, 1024x786 etc. I had to make a cfg file and scale the background images myself to get it to work for 1400x1050.
Yeah... i created my own config and scaled the images. Like i said, it works fine after udev loads and it switches to the silent mode. The file it quotes as missing '/etc/splash/darch/1280x800.cfg' does exist.
Global Havok wrote:Everything works great for me except the background image for the terminal. There is an error saying /etc/splash/darch/1280x800.cfg cant be found. However, the file is there and the splash loads after udev starts (By the way,t he progress bar now works for me, never has before.)
Not a big deal though.
Did you configure fbsplash appropriately in /etc/mkinitramfs.conf ?
ATi and the rest of the drivers will appear over time.
Sorry, didn't see your post at first. You were right, i had configured the theme, but made a typo in my resolution setting. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction after my bonehead mistake.
pacman -S testing/kernel26beyond testing/mkinitramfs
You need testing enabled in your pacman.conf. If you dont want to convert to testing, enable it at the bottom.
Hi there
I would like to that you for the great work with archck, which i first started to use because of my ATI graphic card. Is there any plan to make an ati-fglrx-beyond package? My latest tries to compile one have failed... didnt help
Has anyone got a PKGBUILD that they would be willing to share?
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new (Albert Einstein)
Specs PC: P4,2.8GHz,HT;1GB DDR;ATI Radeon 9800Pro 128Mb
Laptop:PM, 1.5GHz;512DDR;ATI Mobility Radeon 9700 64Mb
Are there any benchmarks that compares the -beyond kernel and the "vanilla" one?
What should I expect from this kernel?
Kind regards // Mathias
It is working very nicely here. Great work.
(I switched to the xorg ati driver with DRI/DRM - also working great!)
I have installed it. Everything seems be ok.
Good work.
Will the pkgbuild for the current ATI drivers work for Beyond?
A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...BUT a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, "Damn...that was fun!"
I get a Kernel panic, saying it cannot find init. Any thoughts?
mkinitramfs seems not working with a lvm2 root partition. mkinitrd works fine.
anyone got this working ?
seems to be related to bug, but i already tried 1.4-3, and there is no newer version.
This error then keeps repeating over and over till i reboot.
out of memory: kill process 2 (migration/0) score 0 and children out of memory: kill process 2 (migration/0) score 0 and children out of memory: kill process 2 (migration/0) score 0 and children out of memory: kill process 2 (migration/0) score 0 and children
Killing children is just plain wrong, my friend.
hmm, there seems to be some bugs in new mkinitramfs (1.4-3)...
these varibales are empty on booting: $HAVE_LVM, $ROOT_DEVICE
if i set it in the init script:
i got arch booting :-)
Thanks notz for pointing that out, it should be fixed in 1.4-5 which is uploading now. Ensure you have LVM_ROOT set in your /etc/mkinitramfs.conf
thanks iphitus, but reiser4 detection is not working. first i thought it was my fault, because i didn't have installed reiser4progs, but also after installing that tools, it is detected as ext2.
but the same command after boot works but not in initramfs.
[root@kairo ~]# /sbin/fsck.static -NT /dev/vg0/root | awk -Ffsck. '{print $2}' | awk '{print $1}'
it also works if i remove reiser4progs and touch /sbin/fsck.reiser4
but i don't work in initramfs....
Ok, I'll have a look into that, thanks
in order to compile ati-fglrx I created this little patch, it allowed me to compile without this strange Makefile.lib.c error
--- 2.6.x/Makefile.orig 2006-04-15 18:13:31.000000000 +0200
+++ 2.6.x/Makefile 2006-04-15 18:13:51.000000000 +0200
@@ -41,15 +41,6 @@
kmod_build:: $(fglrx-libs) $(fglrx-cfiles) $(fglrx-hdrs) $(drm-hdrs)
$(MAKE) -C $(KDIR) SUBDIRS=$(PWD) modules
- @ln -s ../$@
- @ln -s ../$@
- @ln -s ../$@
# distclean:: clean
I used this one too, it comes from gentoo (thanks guys)
ati-drivers-8.22.5-intermodule.patch and solve a unknown symbol error
--- firegl_public.c-orig 2006-02-23 14:54:16.386740016 -0600
+++ firegl_public.c 2006-02-23 14:56:38.054203288 -0600
@@ -361,13 +361,15 @@
} firegl_drm_stub_info_t;
static firegl_drm_stub_info_t firegl_stub_info;
-#if LINUX_VERSION_CODE <0x020400> 0x02060F
struct firegl_drm_stub_info_t *firegl_stub_pointer = NULL;
#define inter_module_put(x)
#define inter_module_unregister(x)
#define inter_module_get_request(x,y) firegl_stub_pointer
#define inter_module_register(x,y,z) do { firegl_stub_pointer = z; } while (0)
/* This is a kludge for backward compatibility that is only useful in DRM(stub_open) */
+#if LINUX_VERSION_CODE < 0x020400
#define fops_put(fops) MOD_DEC_USE_COUNT
#define fops_get(fops) (fops); MOD_INC_USE_COUNT
#endif // LINUX_VERSION_CODE < 0x020400
Any resemblance to grammar or spelling mistakes is purely coincidental and independant of the willing of the author
Awesome, I've been messing with this on and off the past few days - never occurred to me to check ATI's makefile (duh)... thanks for the patch.
To everyone still having problems with the ati-fglrx driver:
iphitus made/uploaded a package that you can pacman in Extra:
pacman -S ati-fglrx-beyond ati-fglrx-utils
If it's not updated in your mirror yet, it should happen very soon
Collecting data is only the first step toward wisdom.
But sharing data is the first step toward community.
I'm still getting a kernel panic saying is failed to execute /init since it couldn't find it.
I'm currently using archck which is running fine. Any thoughts?
@sweiss, Can you please give us more information, which mkinitramfs version u're using, have you tried to boot with the full initramfs image??
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Sorry, the details slipped my mind.
mkinitramfs 1.4-6
Just tried using the full initramfs image but it doesn't work either.