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#1 2015-08-10 07:18:05

Registered: 2015-08-10
Posts: 1

Killer E2200 Ethernet can not Wake On Lan


About a month ago, I but the laptop MSI GP60 2QE(Leopard).

Recently, I want my laptop to Wake On Lan,

and I also refer ArchWiki .

According to archwiki, I run the command "ethtool -s net0 wol g" to enable the WOL feature.

However, after running this command, the terminal show

$  ethtool -s enp3s0 wol g
Cannot get current wake-on-lan settings: Operation not permitted
  not setting wol

And I add sudo to run, is show

$  sudo ethtool -s enp3s0 wol g
Cannot get current wake-on-lan settings: Operation not supported
  not setting wol

I think my Killer E2200 does't installed properly, and I also refer this arcitle.

But I failed in the step 7

make -C /lib/modules/4.1.2-2-ARCH/build M=/home/user/Downloads/compat-drivers-2013-02-20-u modules
make[1]: *** /lib/modules/4.1.2-2-ARCH/build: No such file or directory.  Stop.
Makefile:99: recipe for target 'modules' failed
make: *** [modules] Error 2

Can anyone give me some suggestions or is there another solution?

PS. Sorry,I'm poor in English. Hope the content I typed above is understandable.

Last edited by linuacjgl0608 (2015-08-10 09:30:10)


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