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#1 2015-08-28 07:25:31

Registered: 2013-05-19
Posts: 46

x2go using google authentication does not authenticate

TL:DR SSH google authentication works, x2go fails.

I have set upp SSH with public/private keys and as an added measure set up google authenticator as a 2nd factor. I can SSH into the server no problems.

I followed the x2go wiki page but when I try to log on to the server I am requested for the google authenticator code, as expected, but it doesn't verify. I have tried authenticating in the middle of the time period and at either end with no success. It verifies fine just using SSH and I have already tried the authentication error workaround on the wiki's x2go page.

I am not sure in which config files, the solution lies, ask me and I'll post.

This is cross posted from the Newbies forum as I had no response and this seems a more appropriate place for it.


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