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Hello guys.
I'm having interesting problem. I have a client that has pretty isolated network. We have bunch of servers in that network and we access it via Cisco VPN. But servers do behave differently when accessing via pubkey auth theirs SSH servers.
Sending diff of verbose `ssh -v`, the one on left is from outside using VPN, on the right is from one server inside network to the other, both to the same server. As you can see, from outside server does not offer pubkey auth on the other hand to inner server it does.
Is there anything configured on some firewall on the way that somehow blocks some parts of protocol that we cannot auth using pubkey (which sucks big time by the way) ?
Thanks for any info regarding issue.
Last edited by edke (2015-09-22 12:30:40)
It's probably a Cisco ASA or some other appliance acting as VPN concentrator/gateway/firewall, yes. OpenSSH 4.6? Wow.
It's probably a Cisco ASA or some other appliance acting as VPN concentrator/gateway/firewall, yes. OpenSSH 4.6? Wow.
Yes, it's Cisco ASA. Can this be fixed?
Ask your network administrators or whoever is responsible for that setup and device.