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Pages: 1
Hi, i'm putting together apache, passenger and ruby (something to play around with). I followed the guide on the wiki and i imagine everything will probably work but i noticed there is a passenger package in the community repo. What's the difference between that and the gem i downloaded and installed (using gem)?
The package isn't named like the ones in the aur (ruby-[gem name]).
What's the difference between that and the gem i downloaded and installed (using gem)?
See for yourself … /passenger
UncleSlug wrote:What's the difference between that and the gem i downloaded and installed (using gem)?
See for yourself … /passenger
The arch package uses an old version 5.0.6 for reasons unknown to me and patches a few files so they include stdint. It puts all the files in the usual arch places. The gem uses the newest version 5.0.20, installs and puts all the files in gem places.
Is that all or am I just dumb (Disclaimer I haven't used ruby/gem before
Pages: 1