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#1 2015-10-08 10:52:14

Registered: 2015-05-08
Posts: 3

Arch Installation - 802.1x + identity + password + certificate

Hello smile
Here's my situation:
1) First time trying Arch
2) Living in a university dorm with a wired internet connection with 802.1x
And I need help connecting to it from terminal, never done that before and somehow things I tried don't work. If I could get internet working during the installation, I'm okay and can do all other stuff.
So here's the info:
IPv4 Enabled
IPv6 Disabled
AddTrustExternalRoot CA certificate
Identity + Password of mine
Could someone help me please? I really would like to get into this...
Thanks in advance smile Have a nice day


#2 2015-10-08 15:08:49

From: Pasadena, CA
Registered: 2009-07-13
Posts: 20,349

Re: Arch Installation - 802.1x + identity + password + certificate


This may mot be the optimal solution, but I would find another device that already has access to the network *and* has a spare network interface.  I would then set up NAT forwarding on that device and use that for your installation.
Other options might be to do the basic install from a USB tethered smart phone and not use the universities wired network but rather your mobile data.
Or, if the university has a wireless network, use the tethered smart phone to provide NAT forwarding from that wireless network for your box during installation.

Once you can install the system, my 30 seconds of research indicates that NetworkManager should handle the 802.1x stuff.

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