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#1 2015-10-15 14:07:45

Registered: 2012-06-03
Posts: 74

(solved, blame systemd) IPv6 temporary address, WiFi killswitch,...

Hi all!

On my laptop, I have a WiFi killswitch. using this killswitch seems to reset the sysctl value: net.ipv6.conf.wlp2s0.use_tempaddr to 0.

However, I have net.ipv6.conf.all.use_tempaddr = 2 and net.ipv6.conf.default.use_tempaddr = 2.

The issue also arises if I rmmod and modprobe the driver for my ethernet card (e1000e) and touches the respective values for the enp2s0 sysctl stuff.

This issue causes my laptop to have a temporary IPv6 adress only after boot, and this setting gets disabled after I use the killswitch.

BBest regards,

Last edited by Moviuro (2015-10-18 21:41:33)

bspwm, BTRFS over LUKS
Archlinux a lot, FreeBSD more and more...
Murphy's rule: The day you need a backup, you tell yourself you should have created some.


#2 2015-10-15 15:40:08

Registered: 2010-04-03
Posts: 3,415

Re: (solved, blame systemd) IPv6 temporary address, WiFi killswitch,...

Is the IPv6 address stateless?

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#3 2015-10-15 20:26:18

Registered: 2009-05-12
Posts: 287

Re: (solved, blame systemd) IPv6 temporary address, WiFi killswitch,...

One alternative if this problem persists is to use stable private addresses which newer kernels support as well as dhcpcd. I don't know about the kernel, but dhcpcd will use the SSID of the AP to randomise the address so you're not tracked across wireless networks.


#4 2015-10-16 05:48:41

Registered: 2012-06-03
Posts: 74

Re: (solved, blame systemd) IPv6 temporary address, WiFi killswitch,...

nomorewindows wrote:

Is the IPv6 address stateless?

@rsmarples: I don't use dhcpcd, I use systemd-networkd.

bspwm, BTRFS over LUKS
Archlinux a lot, FreeBSD more and more...
Murphy's rule: The day you need a backup, you tell yourself you should have created some.


#5 2015-10-16 08:57:21

Registered: 2009-05-12
Posts: 287

Re: (solved, blame systemd) IPv6 temporary address, WiFi killswitch,...

So check to see if your kernel supports it as well smile


#6 2015-10-16 08:59:18

Registered: 2012-06-03
Posts: 74

Re: (solved, blame systemd) IPv6 temporary address, WiFi killswitch,...

rsmarples wrote:

So check to see if your kernel supports it as well smile

It works after a reboot on my ethernet card. Setting the sysctl value on the fly makes it work too (I'm using the generic kernel core/linux)

bspwm, BTRFS over LUKS
Archlinux a lot, FreeBSD more and more...
Murphy's rule: The day you need a backup, you tell yourself you should have created some.


#7 2015-10-18 21:40:55

Registered: 2012-06-03
Posts: 74

Re: (solved, blame systemd) IPv6 temporary address, WiFi killswitch,...

The issue is with systemd-networkd that doesn't honor sysctl values... *sigh* … extensions

bspwm, BTRFS over LUKS
Archlinux a lot, FreeBSD more and more...
Murphy's rule: The day you need a backup, you tell yourself you should have created some.


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