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Hi, i've been looking to resolve this issue for hours without luck. Ping and drill seems to work fine but browsers, telnet, wget, pacman, and tracepath gets timeout or get stucks at connecting. I have dual boot with windos 8.1 and get the same results.
This happened suddenly when I was watching vídeos with youtube on windows and then the problem appeared. I looked if it was the router and tested with a smart tv and worked fine. Then tested with a WiFi adapter in windows and also worked fine, is ethernet that is not working on both OSs.
If it helps I have apache on arch for web development but it was working fine, i doubt it has something to do.
I tried changing the DNS server using google on arch and problem was fixed con both OSs but 5 hours later again on windows, the problem reappeared on both systems but this time the DNS fix won't work. Please help, what can I do?
Last edited by chriszj (2015-11-02 16:47:02)
Welcome to Arch Linux.
Your information is a bit disorganized. Let me ask some questions for clarification.
You have one computer with two operating systems.
How do you connect to the Internet? Is there a router involved? Wired or Wireless?
If there is a router, what are the make and model?
You can ping things. By IP address or by domain name? What happens if you browse to (
Is this an IPv4 system or is it IPv6?
Is this a system where you have to go through a web page to enter credentials to get out of redirect jail? (Like a public wifi at hotels or coffee shops)
Can you run traceroute? What if you try to traceroute to Arch Linux.
Does this happen for all sites, or does it only happen with https:// ?
Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature -- Michael Faraday
Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine. -- Alan Turing
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Hi ewaller, suddenly the internet is working again, I guess it was related to my ISP.
I'm sorry, I haven't had this problem before and I never though that it could be a problem of my ISP. I could have done a better research before posting the problem here.
I'm kinda noob in networking, if its possible I would like to learn why ping was working while everything else not, or why would wifi work and ethernet not.
My setup is the following:
1. I have a PC with two OS: Arch and Windows 8.1
2. I have wired connection to a bridge (steren router) that is directly connected to a cable modem (ARRIS TG862).
3. I was able to ping both to ip address and domain name.
4. I believe it was a IPv6 system, but tried IPv4 with wget -4 withoug luck.
5. No need for credentials to have internet access.
6. At that time I was using tracepath with the same results for all sites: From line 7 or forward I received "no reply". Now I tested with traceroute and the results are similar, just instead of "no reply" it shows "* * *".
Another thing, before it was fixed, the wifi was working properly just ethernet suddenly stopped working, is because of different protocols, ports?
Last edited by chriszj (2015-11-01 18:09:56)
If the issue happens on both Arch and Windows, I doubt it's Arch–related or even caused by the software configuration at all. You have said that setting DNS to "fixed" the issue on both systems, which implies it has done nothing — Arch configuration has nothing to do with Windows configuration. It just happened that this particular DNS worked for you.
You are also telling that tracepath fails after 7th hop. 7 hops is a very long way, far behind your router or even your ISP's infrastructure. Have you tried contacting the ISP?
I would also suggest using mtr instead of tracepath.
Sometimes I seem a bit harsh — don’t get offended too easily!
Thanks mpan, the internet has been working from yesterday without drop. After reading comments from other users of my ISP which is iZZi (Mexico), turns out the service is not reliable, I'm considering changing to other provider. I've heard that they are somehow renting the internet service from another provider that might explain the number of hops.
What I find weird is that when the ethernet stopped working the internet through wifi was stable, and apparently the ethernet problem was only found on my PC, tried with different devices and were working.
Anyway I will mark this topic as solved, thanks