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Hi. I'm trying to connect to a bluetooth uart device. i created the file in /etc/bluetooth/rfcomm.conf, and when i try to bind to my device, it gives me this:
[andrei@storm dev]$ sudo rfcomm bind rfcomm0
Missing dev parameter
so i looked at the source code and it prints this message when argc < 2. and it's clearly not...
i then typed
[andrei@storm dev]$ sudo rfcomm connect rfcomm0 98:D3:33:80:54:0C
Can't connect RFCOMM socket: No route to host
so no route to host for minicom!
i can't get around it, i don't understand if i'm doing something wrong or it's the program that doesn't work correctly...
I allways have to turn to this... … t-on-linux
Are you trying to connect to your Arch box from another device, or are you trying to attach from your Arch box to another device....
I am going to go drive across the greater Los Angeles metropolitan area now, so I'll pick this back up in a couple hours
Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature -- Michael Faraday
Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine. -- Alan Turing
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Thanks for replying. I'm at university right now, i'll check it out tonight.
Anyway i'm trying to attach my arch to the other device, that actually is an HC-06 connected to arduino uno, to send to it commands to be interpreted by the microcontroller.
thank you for suggestion but it doesn't really apply to my situation, since i have to send command from, and not to, my arch system.
I managed to get to the serial terminal /dev/rfcomm0, but it seems like the hc-06 device doesn't do anything. the led on it should stop blinking as i open rfcomm0, and so it doesn't. plus, it does not respond to my commands (it should light a led on the breadboard when i type "A").
i use minicom to open rfcomm0, and the device is paired with bluetoothctl (not connected though).
done! it works! i don't really know why, sincerely... this time i modprobed rfcomm though, maybe that was the problem? the command "worked" the same even before (i mean, it was giving me the same output).
well, after 3 days, i finally made it work!
Last edited by r0bbit (2015-11-05 22:53:03)