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Mr_ED-horsey wrote:I almost added Openbox to this list since I hadn't noticed any commits since December 2013, but I decided to check their github page for the first time in a while and noticed a new one in November of 2014.
The last release of Openbox was over a year ago? Wow. It seems like just yesterday that I got so mad at the developers for making the "Smart Placement" incredibly stupid.
I remember that outcry in the OB community. I've always used Openbox on laptops and netbooks, so with the smaller screen sizes it never really bothered me. I almost always go for Xfce or Mate on a desktop.
Last edited by Mr_ED-horsey (2015-02-18 21:08:50)
Desktop: Fedora 21 Mate + Compiz [x86_64] on 2 TiB HDD / Windows 7 Professional [x86_64] on 500 GiB HDD
Laptop: Arch Linux + Openbox [i686] 120 GiB SSD on Acer c720 Chromebook
x33a wrote:For a long time I was unsure about your and karol's gender
What changed it?
Observing the discussions in the community. But those may or may not be accurate
Awebb wrote:What changed it?
We ... errr ... I mean ... well ...
I'm afraid it's not the right place to talk about how who found out what ;-)
last svn commit aug 2014
this was my fav game to kill time (and NPCs)
dzen2. To me still the king of standalone bars.
makepkg-optimize · indicator-powersave · pantheon-{3d,lite} · {pantheon,higan}-qq
i just love this ftp client been dead for quite some time now..
@ thoffmeyer,
Filezilla doesn't cut the bill?
ocp (Open Cubic Player)
Still trying to bring this back to life; it makes me very sad that there isn't a working, modern music visualizer available for linux since this died.
EDIT: Had some success with the 0.6.0 (current development) branch. PKGBUILD in AUR needs to be replaced, git master isn't dev tip; git origin/branch; etc. It only built and ran with debugging enabled, and was mosty broken (no OSD).
Last edited by quequotion (2015-12-24 02:39:01)
makepkg-optimize · indicator-powersave · pantheon-{3d,lite} · {pantheon,higan}-qq
I forked it on github and applied some patches to make it build, but it currently builds only using clang. I am not a C programmer and so I cannot do real polishing to the big codebase.
Nicotine+ / museek+ / newsoul
Soulseek P2P clients
None of these have seen development in a long time.
newsoul, a fork of museek+, is the youngest but doesn't build from the AUR.
Nicotine+ still works but is getting dated and has a bug where it cannot connect to many people using the official client, SoulseekQt.
SoulseekQt sucks in a few ways and is closed-source...
HarmonySEQ, very unusual MIDI sequencer
— love is the law, love under wheel, — said aleister crowley and typed in his terminal:
usermod -a -G wheel love
HarmonySEQ, very unusual MIDI sequencer
Awww, you reminded me of when I composed using seq24. So simple and just worked. I miss it.
...I also miss being able to write good music, but to be able to do that I would have had to have actually WRITTEN some good music.
chaonaut wrote:HarmonySEQ, very unusual MIDI sequencer
Awww, you reminded me of when I composed using seq24. So simple and just worked. I miss it.
i've tried seq24 for a while, until i found awesome non-sequencer — the best live oriented sequencer ever.
but for composing, my favorite is still harmonyseq.
— love is the law, love under wheel, — said aleister crowley and typed in his terminal:
usermod -a -G wheel love
Nobody seems to have mentioned dwb.
We're in denial. It will come back.
Personally I've moved on to acceptance - especially as qutebrowser has found it's way into [community] and now has (nearly) everything I liked about dwb (and almost nothing else).
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
Personally I've moved on to acceptance - especially as qutebrowser has found it's way into [community] and now has (nearly) everything I liked about dwb (and almost nothing else). still says you can only get it from AUR. You did inform upstream that this is incorrect, right?
pypanel needs some love. IMO the best standalone panel...ever.
Used pypanel years ago but at that time (early 2000's?) it crashed frequently. Loved the functionality though.
"Give a man a truth and he will think for a day. Teach a man to reason and he will think for a lifetime"
Kiba Dock.
Just uploaded a new package for crowd-greeter.
I suppose it was only made as a proof-of-concept, but I find it unfortunate that practially no follow up development has occured.
I've been trying to replace the avatar with anything I can find, but so far only the two provided will work and I don't understand why.
EDIT: By the way, my package patches in the alternative "Revenant" avatar, just because.
Last edited by quequotion (2016-03-13 05:23:04)
makepkg-optimize · indicator-powersave · pantheon-{3d,lite} · {pantheon,higan}-qq
Piano Booster : greate piano trainer
bing different
On torrent sites you can only find mostly mainstream stuff, soulseek if for rare stuff
"It is easier to fool people, than to convince them that they've been fooled" ~ Dr. Andrea Love
There is something called Focuswriter, which tends to be similar