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As the title says, my problem is that I frequently (several times a day) find DNS servers in my resolv.conf that I do not want there.
And I can't find where they come from.
I've changed the DNS servers on my router a few days back and DHCP does its thing, so I'm guessing I naively stupidly set static DNS servers in some network manager somewhere, back when I installed arch two years ago.
And since I can't even remember which configuration method I picked from the beginner's guide back then, I don't really know where or how to look.
To narrow things down, I'm using ethernet so I can't have picked any wireless related method / tools.
It'd be great if you guys could give me some pointers as to where and how I should look.
systemctl list-unit-files
Such a useful answer in so little characters =O
Apparently I should look into my configuration of dhcpcd.
Thanks a lot !