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I am looking to install sauerbraten from... … _id=412890
I would to add sourceforge as a repo in /etc/pacman.conf. However, I already have Server set to for Shadowhand's repo. What should I do?
I am looking to install sauerbraten from... … _id=412890
I would to add sourceforge as a repo in /etc/pacman.conf.
You can only add repositories that have Arch packages. SF typically has the source files, which you have to compile and install manually. Pacman cannot handle those things.
However, I already have Server set to for Shadowhand's repo. What should I do?
You can add as many different Arch repo's as you like, as long as you stick to the correct scheme:
Server =
Server =
A bus station is where a bus stops.
A train station is where a train stops.
On my desk I have a workstation.
Alternatively, use the sauerbraten PKGBUILD in the AUR.
That's my catchword, I think (I'm the maintainer of the Sauerbraten PKGBUILD in the AUR atm). I haven't updated the package since two month as there are some building problems I have to get rid of. I'll have a look at them as soon as possible... (Not in the next few days)
I can't post you the error messages I get as I'm not at my machine right now.
pm me if you want to overtake the package or if you have a working PKGBUILD for the new version!
Cheers Sigi
Haven't been here in a while. Still rocking Arch.
Thanks for the support. It turns out my video card is too old for the game anyway so even if I could get it to run, it would look terrible. I'll probably ask about this again when i have a good video card.
You're welcome - nice to see people interested in sauerbraten.
Just for your information: sauerbraten 2006_04_26_occlusion_edition-1 is now in the AUR!
Give it a try later...
Haven't been here in a while. Still rocking Arch.
I had to change my PKGBUILD to a working mirror. Seems the default sourceforge locations never work lately.
Anyway, sauerbraten won't run:
init: sdl
init: enet
init: video: sdl
init: video: mode
init: video: misc
init: console
could not read "data/stdlib.cfg"
init: gl
Using GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object extensions.
Rendering using the OpenGL 1.5 assembly shader path.
Using GL_ARB_occlusion_query extensions.
could not read "data/stdshader.cfg"
Segmentation fault
Sauerbraten works fine for me... I had to remove the aoss stuff from the scripts, but that's not a problem.
Bysshe: Are you sure to have the latest version installed?
Haven't been here in a while. Still rocking Arch.
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