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I'm looking for medium grey GTK2+3 themes. Dark themes like delorean-dark are too distracting + eyestrain inducing (and textboxes tend to look weird), light grey themes like Elementary are too bright.
yaourt, gnome-look, and google searches have not been very helpful..
I was looking at this ("covert" theme):
which is close to what I'm looking for (medium grey everywhere not just the menus, flat) , but is GTK2 only. To me, it is reminiscent of DeluxePaint or Grafx2.
Most recently, I found 'Animus-grey' ('animus-themes' on AUR) and am using it experimentally. Overall, it has too many dark areas, but is the closest I've come so far:
Do you have a favorite grey theme? Or heck, do you have *a* grey theme?
-- mod edit: read the rules and only post thumbnails [jwr] --
What about Greybird?
What about Greybird?
Thanks, I didn't realize that xfce themes also covered GTK 2 and 3.. I came across that and had ignored it since it said XFCE. It looks pretty good, more balanced than any others I have found so far. Uses some gradients but very judiciously.
In the meantime, I had found zen-gtk-themes, which is kind of similar, particularly 'zen-griza'.
Neither of these is as close to medium grey as I'd hoped, but I'm beginning to think there are unavoidable contrast problems with medium-grey and that's why nobody much makes real medium-grey themes.
How about the MediterraneanNight theme set? They are available in the AUR.
Or, grab the Oxide theme and there is a mod version of the MediterraneanNight theme there that looks very similar to what you are looking for.
How about the MediterraneanNight theme set? They are available in the AUR.
Or, grab the Oxide theme and there is a mod version of the MediterraneanNight theme there that looks very similar to what you are looking for.
Woah, thanks a lot! MediterraneanNight-mod2 is pretty much exactly what I was looking for! It's even completely desaturated, which is great for graphics work
Be sure to checkout the maintenance fork of Mediterranean:
MediterraneanNight appears to be defunct (including the maintenance fork) -- many missing elements, with recent GTK3 releases. Any suggestions on a similar theme that is equally moderate in appearance, while looking sensible with GTK 3.19?
Pages: 1