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Hello, I'm using laptop and my internet is slow on every distribution but Ubuntu. At first I thought it is the driver of my laptop but then I connected to another Wi-fi network from my manjaro partition the internet was normal so now I think it the problem is from my @irLAN router. The router is on my network provider and I don't have access to its settings. Is there a way to fix it and if not which router brand is the best for Linux?
Why do you think it is the router if the same computer works differently depending on the software?
You can try to see which kernel modules are in use with lsmod, and get more info on each module with modinfo <module-name>
Hi, dikelito.
What is you linux level?
How much time do you have to investigate this case?
Do you know somebody else experiencing the same problem?
Default procedure:
Please provide the following logs to make whole picture.
1. system log for a period at least few hours unless it is impossible
journalctl -S -2h > system.log
gist system.log // optional, provide link to file on
2. ping log (take it during connection problems)
ping -v > ping.log
3. provide kernel version, network stack package's versions (netctl, wifi driver that in use, etc.)
4. describe severity of a bug and time period you are experiencing it