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I have 2 onboard NICs. They tended to switch names (eth0, eth1) because of udev's parallel detection. I fixed this recently with help of this page: … _Each_Boot
So I made the 10-network.rules file and added the correct mac addresses in it. Worked great, until recently. I don't know wether it's the installation of a harmful package (vmware-player) or a pacman -Syu that did it, but all of a sudden, it seems like the udev rules are being ignored. The network card names are switching around again...
Is there anywhere (a log or something) I can verify that udev has parsed my custom rules? Maybe I'm looking for the problem in the wrong direction? Any help would be very much appreciated.
Okay, I changed the new names back to lan0 and lan1, and so far this seems to work. However, I use Maple 10, and its silly activation mechanism requires you to have a device named eth0 with a valid mac address, else it won't let you in. So the problem isn't entirely solved yet, but this portion is.
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I'm having a similar problem. I've never fiddled with udev rules before, so I really have no clue. But surely, this should change ownership of /dev/rfcomm0?
KERNEL=="rfcomm[0-9]*", NAME="%k", GROUP="bluetooth", MODE="0660"
I've added it to /etc/udev/rules.d/bluemote.rules. The group of /dev/rfcomm0 remains 'tty'.
Try adding OPTIONS="last_rule" like this:
KERNEL=="rfcomm[0-9]*", NAME="%k", GROUP="bluetooth", MODE="0660", OPTIONS="last_rule"
Also you can rename the file to for example 010.bluemote.rules to be sure that this rule is processed as the first one.
Alternatively it should work like it is now if you only change all occureneces of "=" to ":=" (exept "==" of course). This is the new thing in udev and I haven't tried it so far.
Try adding OPTIONS="last_rule" like this:
KERNEL=="rfcomm[0-9]*", NAME="%k", GROUP="bluetooth", MODE="0660", OPTIONS="last_rule"
Also you can rename the file to for example 010.bluemote.rules to be sure that this rule is processed as the first one.
Alternatively it should work like it is now if you only change all occureneces of "=" to ":=" (exept "==" of course). This is the new thing in udev and I haven't tried it so far.
Thanks alot! I replaced "=" with ":=" and it did the trick. I find it strange that /etc/udev/rules.d/udev.rules uses "=" itself, and those rules seem to get parsed. Anyway, it's working fine now
I find it strange that /etc/udev/rules.d/udev.rules uses "=" itself, and those rules seem to get parsed. Anyway, it's working fine now
Ok. It's normal that udev.rules uses = because this allows you to overwrite standard rules in your custom file. Rules are processed from the begining to end and they can overwrite properties of the previous rules.
Alright. That makes sense. Thanks for clarifying