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I have to install an environment that can rebuild a certain project, below are the specifications.
PHP 5.x
PhpRedis (PECL PHP library, php --ri redis should give you version 2.2.5 at least)
OracleDB (PHP library, see below)
Redis server
Apache Solr
MySQL (or equivalent)
Node.js (v0.12.x, newest versions aren't supported by
After a day and a half of tinkering around I've got all of these components running, except for node.js, which I just couldn't get to work.
I've tried to install this AUR package, but the installation just failed without giving any proper errors.
My workaround is using a vagrant box with Ubuntu Trusty, but I still wonder if it's possible to make it run on Arch.
As I am the maintainer of that AUR package do you mind telling me what output you get when installing it?
But actually I have myelf given up on keeping an older version of node on my Arch and just use a Vagrant box like you do. But you could also try using nvm (, you can install and use multiple versions of node with it without touching your system installed node.
Ok, I just tried compiling latest node 0.12.14 on Arch, it fails with some memory access issue. Not sure whether there is some workaround Also this will probably also rule out nvm for you, since that too would likely try o compile node and fail.
Regarding the package I will probably not look much into it and just remove it. Unless someone comes up with a fix, which of course I'm happy to accept. But Arch just is not well suited for running legacy software
Thanks for checking it, I also get a generic error, which doesn't give me the slightest clue what to do.
I've recently joined a Drupal team and I'm going to work on a legacy project for a while, hopefully the next one will be a Drupal 8 project, which supports newer technologies.
It's not just Arch by the way, other distros don't support legacy software either. I've tried installing it on Ubuntu 16 and I couldn't even get all the PHP modules I need.
Anyways I am going to keep switching between PHP 5 and 7 projects, so I guess Vagrant will save me some headache.