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Hi, I have used Linux before, but I was amazed from the first time I saw Arch.
But because of University I have use Windows too, so I tried a dual-boot system with arch and windows, but I just got a grub-rescue in the end.
So I studied grub and UEFI, as I have a GPT-UEFI system.
But I have some doubts about grub and how the boot partition should be:
Can I just use the boot partition from windows as my boot partition?
as I'm new to arch, I will break it and reinstall a lot, can I install grub outside of arch? so I can delete arch and still have grub?
And the most I'm struggling with, how do I structure my boot partition? I have seem /boot/efi and /boot/efi/EFI, and even just installing grub in /boot/grub, is it important where I install grub?
Sorry for the noob questions and the bad english,
Thanks from Brazil.
Last edited by arch23 (2016-09-17 19:31:58)
I neither use Grub nor UEFI but did you try those quite comprehensive wiki articles about this topic:
UEFI: … _Interface
And about dual booting windows: … th_Windows
Thank you for replying, yes I have read then, and I'm still struggling with grub, I follow the step and boot direct in to windows or grub-rescue
after reading the page from the wiki and documentation from grub I tried using this comand:
grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=ESP --bootloader-id=grub --boot-directory=ESP
to try installing grub in the boot partition, not the Arch partition, but it boots directly in windows, and if I force from bios to boot grub, it gives me a no system found.
The wiki says that "--efi-directory=esp" should actually be replaced by the path to your mounted ESP partition, so being "--efi-directory=/boot" if your ESP partition was mounted to /boot previously.
Yes I replaced the ESP to /boot, I just wrote it like that to remember later
because I saw the ESP as /boot and /boot/EFI too, so that's one of my doubts, witch one I should use?
or is it not important?
Can I just use the boot partition from windows as my boot partition?
Yes. I did.
As an aside, I boot directly from EFI without using a bootloader. Works like a charm if you don't boot Windows often. I also have rEFInd installed and can use that as well. The nice thing about rEFInd is that it will boot the last OS that was used, so when you go through multiple reboots when updating Windows, you don't have to intercede each time to ensure you don't boot to Linux (which, naturally, will be your default in any other bootloader)
Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature -- Michael Faraday
Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine. -- Alan Turing
How to Ask Questions the Smart Way
thanks from replying
I will look into rEFInd, but I don't necessary need a boot-loader to have a dual boot system?
but I don't necessary need a boot-loader to have a dual boot system?
Correct. The Arch kernel is configured as an efi application meaning that the efi loader can boot it directly.
This is how I boot my system. I can, at boot time, also tell it to use rEFInd instead as that is installed, but is not the default.
Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature -- Michael Faraday
Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine. -- Alan Turing
How to Ask Questions the Smart Way
ok, will search about EFISTUB and try installing arch again later, thank you.