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* openbox
* lemonbar
* trayer
* compton is nice
* terminal is xiate
* gtk3 theme is numix-base16
* everything else uses base16-dark colorscheme
Não me siga. Estou tão perdido quanto você.
Don't follow me. I am as lost as you.
My i3wm
Mod note (x33a): Read the rules regarding image size in the first post of this thread.
Last edited by x33a (2016-10-17 17:02:39)
for htpc
** Clean / Normal
* XMonad xmobar dzen2 fcitx-input-method trayer dmenu urxvt
* mpv + mpsyt : Youtube 720p, vapoursynth debading 60fps
** Music & Movie
* mopidy + spotify / tmux + mpv
** Color theme
* synthwave originally based on dkegs urban
(It's not my theme. thanks. I like yours color theme)
* vivaldi +
* tv card + tvheadend + mpv + vapoursynth
** Intel GPU Acceleration
* emby realtime h264 vaapi transcoding, google-chrome x4 rendering (to 720p 1M x2, to 720p 4M x2)
* live tv : vaapi decoding, video post process filter deint=bob
* tv card + emby(+tvheadend plugin) -> borwser or kodi(+emby addon), h264 vaapi realtime transcoding streaming wasl worked.
* svp4 GPU OpenCL Acceleration was worked.
**4K H264 Playback : brother sister (sorry, I don't have 4K movie)
* mpv : 4K H264 vaapi playback(with $ mpv -vo opengl:interpolation -hwdec vaapi -video-sync display-resample) is well working.
* but, 4K H265(HEVC) 8bit(10bit) 60fps is can't playing. only software decoding . CPU 8 thread 75~98% 3.7Ghz is framedrop.
* I am waiting for ApolloLake 9Generaion GPU, EU x18 (for H265(HEVC) 10bit 60fps playback)
Arch Rolling. Thanks. 오랫동안 잘 쓰겠습니다^^.
Last edited by yoman18 (2016-11-03 13:47:05)
Ancestoral Clan
My First Arch Install
Nice setup, thanks for the color theme
Last edited by tampix (2016-10-28 06:49:43)
Lately i was bored in wortk vacations so i decided to sit down and play a bit with i3wm. Took me over 24 hours to make this look like that:
What i am using:
- i3-gaps
- i3blocks
- termite
- nitrogen
Compton somehow still don't work, laptop function keys for audio also (damn pulseaudio is annoying) but i am glad i went so far. Definitely learned something since i based mostly on pre-installed distros.
-- read the rules and only post thumbnails [jwr] --
Sorry for problem, my bad, fixed.
Last edited by m1hu (2016-11-04 01:08:09)
AMD Ryzen 2600x | RTX 2070 | Arch KDE
Lenovo Yoga 910-13IKB | 4K touch display | Working on arch...
C# Dev, trying to learn python.
The arch wallpaper is squashed on that screenshot.
Last edited by Alad (2016-11-03 12:26:03)
Mods are just community members who have the occasionally necessary option to move threads around and edit posts. -- Trilby
Zorin'ified Arch Gnome
Not sure if this large image is okay. I run 4 3440 displays. the top display is a TV where i place streams. i use a full solarized theme as well as a custom style sheet for all webpages to be solarized to be easier on the eyes.
If you would like any configs let me know.
Last edited by fallen1011 (2016-11-06 04:25:00)
Looks sweet! How are you streaming BPL?
Offline … _scrot.png
Rockin' KDE1. Caldera with KDE was my first Linux experience and this back lots of good memories. Surprisingly functional, too.
Offline … _scrot.png
Rockin' KDE1. Caldera with KDE was my first Linux experience and this back lots of good memories. Surprisingly functional, too.
That's sexy! They should've stayed with that look.
* DWM with japanese Kanji (upper left)
* my own dwm statusbar. Supports 4 colors (red,blue,green,yellow)
* Storage
* Temperature
* IP,DNS for each device
* battery
* systemd-nspawn container
* Time/date
* shows vulnerable packages (currently disabled)
* vim with several plugins like vim-devicons
Last edited by Shibumi (2016-11-22 17:00:28)