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I've been running Arch (using Gnome 3) on an XPS13 DE (9350) successfully for a few months now. This morning, network manager stopped connecting to the home Wi-Fi. All other devices in the house are fine, and the paraphrase is the same correct one I've used for a while now. I tried connecting over ethernet via a USB-C adapter, and while I do get a connection for a short while, the speed rapidly drops off to 0. I've used this shaky connection to update the machine, but network manager still fails to connect (via the Gnome interface) every time.
I've tried
nmcli con up id network_ssid
but that just causes a password request to pop up repeatedly (it already has the correct password - I've checked in the graphical settings multiple times) and the terminal output is
Passwords or encryption keys are required to access the wireless network 'network_ssid'.
Warning: password for '802-11-wireless-security.psk' not given in 'passwd-file' and nmcli cannot ask without '--ask' option.
Error: Timeout expired (90 seconds)
Given this, I added the --ask option
nmcli --ask com up id network_ssid
which requests the password multiple times, this time in the terminal (I entered it correctly each time) and ends with the same timeout error message.
I would post the output of dmesg and journalctl, but even the ethernet connection is too sporadic for me to log in here. I'll keep trying this and hopefully I'll manage to get some of my logs here. (I've posted this from my phone)
Last edited by lenon (2017-01-15 07:26:48)
Just reset the router and the issue's disappeared. Likely had to do with dhcp on the router somewhow becoming misconfigured.