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Hello guys,
I'm very new to Arch and wanted to install the system on my laptop (it supports uefi, i checked this). I followed the german installation guide until bootloader and read that you can load the kernel without a bootloader right in the system with the help of EFISTUB. Mounted /dev/sda1 (EFI Partition) on /boot and typed in this command: efibootmgr -c -d /dev/sda -p 1 -l \vmlinuz-linux -L "Arch Linux" -u "initrd=/initramfs-linux.img root=/dev/sda1 rm". It doesn't work. I tried this 3 times but there's always nothing. Am I doing something false, or I didn't understand something?
Thank you for your help!
You should check if your modification/entry is still there after a reboot. Some firmwares do not do as told and either erase or modify custom entries (some firmwares live in a MS only world).
That said you probably want root=/dev/sda2 or something like that. What's that rm at the end?
@R00KIE, First I want to apologize that I used a disposable email to register here, (not this account, but zvj14327). That wasn't right.
Then to my question: Yes i made a typo -> I mean root=/dev/sda2
And I don't really know what the rw means (yes, another typo), I got this information from the archlinux wiki:
# efibootmgr -d /dev/sdX -p Y -c -L "Arch Linux" -l /vmlinuz-linux -u "root=/dev/sdBZ rw initrd=/initramfs-linux.img"
Edit: rw means read-write (default is ro = read only)
Last edited by alexanders916 (2017-05-30 22:52:34)
Mounted /dev/sda1 (EFI Partition) on /boot
Was the EFI system partition mounted to /boot during the installation of the system?
The kernel image & initramfs need to be on the ESP for EFI_STUB booting to work.
Jin, Jîyan, Azadî
zvj14327 wrote:Mounted /dev/sda1 (EFI Partition) on /boot
Was the EFI system partition mounted to /boot during the installation of the system?
Yes and and also when I added the efi log
Please post the full output of:
efibootmgr -v … in_clients
Have you checked the ESP to see if the kernel image & initramfs are present?
Jin, Jîyan, Azadî
Please post the full output of:
efibootmgr -v … in_clients
Have you checked the ESP to see if the kernel image & initramfs are present?
Have you checked the ESP to see if the kernel image & initramfs are present?
If the kernel is definitely there then your firmware ("BIOS") may be faulty and you may have to try a different booting method.
See … ive-naming for a possible solution.
Jin, Jîyan, Azadî
I checked the /mnt/boot again... there's nothing. So I guess i have to copy the kernel? I mounted the partition when I installed arch with pacstrap /mnt.. hmm
Last edited by alexanders916 (2017-05-30 20:47:18)
So I guess i have to copy the kernel?
It's probably best to (arch-)chroot into your system from the live environment with all of the partitions correctly mounted and then re-install the linux package.
Be sure to check your fstab as well — systemd will automount the ESP to /boot anyway if you have a GPT disk so it may be simplest to remove any references to it from that file.
Jin, Jîyan, Azadî
@R00KIE, First I want to apologize that I used a disposable email to register here, (not this account, but zvj14327). That wasn't right.
No that wasn't right; our Code of Conduct does not allow duplicate accounts. I have banned zvj14327; please familiarise yourself with our Code of Conduct:
Are you familiar with our Forum Rules, and How To Ask Questions The Smart Way?
BlueHackers // fscanary // resticctl
alexanders916 wrote:@R00KIE, First I want to apologize that I used a disposable email to register here, (not this account, but zvj14327). That wasn't right.
No that wasn't right; our Code of Conduct does not allow duplicate accounts. I have banned zvj14327; please familiarise yourself with our Code of Conduct:
Alright, I'm not going to do it again
It's probably best to (arch-)chroot into your system from the live environment with all of the partitions correctly mounted and then re-install the linux package.
First I mounted root in /mnt, second ESP in /mnt/boot and then pacstrap linux -> it worked! Thank you
P.S.: I tried it with # arch-chroot /mnt but it didn't allow me to use pacstrap there.
Last edited by alexanders916 (2017-05-30 23:06:09)
I tried it with # arch-chroot /mnt but it didn't allow me to use pacstrap there.
I was expecting you to use this command from the chroot:
# pacman -Syu linux
But I suppose your method does the job as well.
Please mark the thread [SOLVED] if you consider it so.
Jin, Jîyan, Azadî
Pages: 1