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Hi all,
I've looked in the forum and I've seen there are several posts, i tried to apply their solution to my problem but with any luck. Basically I have a want to be able to mount a samba partition during the boot of my system. I've created a systemd unit and it worked for 6 months. Then I've updated my Arch and i messed up with the repository ( community/community-testing ). The result is at the boot, for some reason the same unit file to mount the samba partition doesn't work anymore:
255 campo@enterprise ~ % ssh nuc :(
Last login: Mon May 1 12:38:39 2017 from
~ ⌚ 12:45:36
$ sudo systemctl status mnt-synology.mount
* mnt-synology.mount - Mount Synology Share at boot
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/mnt-synology.mount; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Mon 2017-05-01 12:45:04 BST; 42s ago
Where: /mnt/synology
What: //synology-campo/Video
Process: 580 ExecMount=/usr/bin/mount //synology-campo/Video /mnt/synology -t cifs -o credentials=/etc/samba/creds/synology,iocharset=utf8,rw,cache=loose (code=exited, status=32)
May 01 12:45:04 NUC systemd[1]: Mounting Mount Synology Share at boot...
May 01 12:45:04 NUC systemd[1]: mnt-synology.mount: Mount process exited, code=exited status=32
May 01 12:45:04 NUC systemd[1]: Failed to mount Mount Synology Share at boot.
May 01 12:45:04 NUC systemd[1]: mnt-synology.mount: Unit entered failed state.
~ ⌚ 12:45:47
$ sudo systemctl restart mnt-synology.mount
~ ⌚ 12:47:03
$ sudo systemctl status mnt-synology.mount
* mnt-synology.mount - Mount Synology Share at boot
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/mnt-synology.mount; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: active (mounted) since Mon 2017-05-01 12:47:03 BST; 2s ago
Where: /mnt/synology
What: //synology-campo/Video
Process: 827 ExecMount=/usr/bin/mount //synology-campo/Video /mnt/synology -t cifs -o credentials=/etc/samba/creds/synology,iocharset=utf8,rw,cache=loose (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Tasks: 0 (limit: 4915)
CGroup: /system.slice/mnt-synology.mount
May 01 12:47:02 NUC systemd[1]: Mounting Mount Synology Share at boot...
May 01 12:47:03 NUC systemd[1]: Mounted Mount Synology Share at boot.
As you can see the unit doesn't work during the boot but it works perfectly if I run it once logged in. My guess is there are some dependencies problems. I tried to debug it but with no luck. The Unit is:
1 [Unit]
2 Description=Mount Synology Share at boot
3 Requires=systemd-networkd.service unbound.service
4 unbound.service
5 unbound.service
7 [Mount]
8 What=//synology-campo/Video
9 Where=/mnt/synology
10 Options=credentials=/etc/samba/creds/synology,iocharset=utf8,rw,cache=loose
11 Type=cifs
12 TimeoutSec=60
14 [Service]
15 Restart=always
16 StartLimitIntervalSec=10
17 StartLimitBurst=10
19 [Install]
I tried to use the restart function in systemd as workaround for any dependency problem, but it still doesn't work. Any clue from anyone ?
I had a problem with starting smbd on boot.
Did the commands to get smbd going:
systemctl enable smbd
systemctl start smbd
But on boot 9 times out of 10, smbd wouldn't start.
Typing in a terminal:
systemctl start smbd
would start smbd without failure, making me think that there is a timing problem
where dependencies are not completely loaded yet.
Search of timing options for systemd, I finally found what I needed.
I added the following line to the file /usr/lib/systemd/system/smbd.service
in the [Service] section like:
ExecStartPre=/bin/sleep 2
Up until now, no problems with smbd on boot.
The ExecStartPre executes in sync before ExecStart
and so will delay smbd startup to give its dependencies
a little more time to get completely up.
Maybe this idea can help to solve your problem.
Get what most want?
Do what most won't!
Description=Mount Share (smb) at boot
Requires=NetworkManager-wait-online.service <=== This
edit: Sorry Seth, I didn't read your link first...
Last edited by Buddlespit (2017-11-23 22:27:56)
Why not just put it in fstab? Am I missing something?
Pages: 1