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When I try to add a Google account to Korganizer, I am asked to sign in to Google. Then I am asked to allow "Akonadi Resources for Google Services" to manage my contacts.When I press the allow button, I get the message "key is being authentificated". And then nothing happens.
Last edited by ergond (2018-01-20 16:09:43)
Did you install the metapackage for kde-applications, kde-pim or just a bunch of applications? Is akonadi-calendar-tools installed?
Is akonadi running?
akonadictl status
I installed the metapackage "kde-applications-meta". The akonadi-calendar-tools are also installed.
The output of akonadictl status is:
Akonadi Control: running
Akonadi Server: running
Akonadi Server Search Support: available (Remote Search)
Available Agent Types: akonadi_akonotes_resource, akonadi_archivemail_agent, akonadi_birthdays_resource, akonadi_contacts_resource, akonadi_davgroupware_resource, akonadi_ews_resource, akonadi_ewsmta_resource, akonadi_facebook_resource, akonadi_followupreminder_agent, akonadi_googlecalendar_resource, akonadi_googlecontacts_resource, akonadi_ical_resource, akonadi_icaldir_resource, akonadi_imap_resource, akonadi_indexing_agent, akonadi_invitations_agent, akonadi_kalarm_dir_resource, akonadi_kalarm_resource, akonadi_knut_resource, akonadi_kolab_resource, akonadi_maildir_resource, akonadi_maildispatcher_agent, akonadi_mailfilter_agent, akonadi_mbox_resource, akonadi_migration_agent, akonadi_mixedmaildir_resource, akonadi_newmailnotifier_agent, akonadi_notes_agent, akonadi_notes_resource, akonadi_openxchange_resource, akonadi_pop3_resource, akonadi_sendlater_agent, akonadi_tomboynotes_resource, akonadi_vcard_resource, akonadi_vcarddir_resource
You can check for libkgapi too. It's part of the kdepim-runtime you already should have.
Is there any usable output if you start korganizer in terminal and try to add your account? Perhaps it helps just to reset your config (or easier, try a new created user which you may delete after testing)
You may have a look at bug 388068. Perhaps it has the same reason (seems to be sth in kdepim-libs)
Last edited by koffeinfriedhof (2017-12-20 23:22:39)
libkgapi is installed.
I have tried it with a fresh user, but a the problem is the same.
After setting the language for this user to english, i found that i had translated the message wrong.
In the english version the message reads: "Authorizing token. This should take just a moment..."
I found that someone has the same problem with kmail instead of korganizer.
When I start korganizer in terminal, there is no output when I try to add the google account.
Seems like there is a problem with "some libs". I just found bug 352909 with your message. Could you check your versions? I'm currently running 17.12.0-1 which is working for me.
I am also using 17.12.0-1
I have the same problem. I try to add google contacts and calendars to akonadi and it halts to "Authorizing token. This should take just a moment..."
The same problem happened when i tried to add my gmail account, but I overcame it, by adding it as instead of, so that akonadi added it as a normal imap account and didn't tried to take autorization.
Same problem.
Same issue. Did anyone manage to find a workaround?
Same problem here. I am unable to add a Google calendar to korganizer version 17.12.0-1. The process is stuck at a window where we read: "Authorizing token. This should take a moment..."
Linux, street photography and Baroque music enthusiast.
Someone has a link to receive information on this bug? Is it a QT bug?
Last edited by simona1970 (2018-01-02 11:34:47)
Someone has a link to receive information on this bug? Is it a QT bug?
You could follow this resurrected bug, that koffeinfriedhof mentioned, but with no useful information yet.
Probably caused by this qtwebengine regression. If someone feels like compiling the kdepim stack against Qt 5.9 to check if it works it would surely help.
Not sure if this is of much help, but on my kde neon install with the same apps 17.12 and qt 5.9.2 it worked correctly and I can authenticate my gmail account for kmail.
So I think you are right about this, it's qt's problem. Unfortunately this bug breaks the PIM suite for me and probably many others as adding the account is impossible. It would be great if this were fixed for qt 5.10.1 or some workaround was made available that doesn't involve bypassing oauth and degrading security.
I have bug and I use qt 5.10.0-1
Last edited by simona1970 (2018-01-11 19:18:36)
There is a new patch that fixes this bug.
Excellent news, however I noticed that this missed yesterday's 17.12.1 apps release. It would be nice if the package maintainer somehow backported this critical fix, as it would be great to finally have gmail desktop integration. I'm not sure what Arch's policy is regarding these things.
I have just installed libkgapi-17.12.1-2, that contains the patch, but it's still doesn't work. Anyone else to confirm?
I have just installed libkgapi-17.12.1-2, that contains the patch, but it's still doesn't work. Anyone else to confirm?
The update works correctly for me here as I just added my gmail account to kmail with no problems, make sure you have your google account correctly configured. Also it may be something simple such as not restarting the computer after the update (it may help). Good luck.
Very strange. It worked after a reboot to my adsl router...
Solved for me. mail and calendar. Only in system settings it continues me to give error but this is not a big problem.
Last edited by simona1970 (2018-01-15 14:19:45)
After the update to libkgapi 17.12.1-2 it worked for me.
After the update to libkgapi 17.12.1-2 it worked for me.
Even when adding contacts/calendar?
For me it just closes instant after entering my email.
Adding just an email account works.
Linux odin 3.13.1-pf #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Mar 5 21:47:28 CET 2014 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Mysteriously I was able to solve the problem by restarting the router, erasing the accounts and creating it again. A new stage of security in google accounts has appeared and google services have been up and running again.
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