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I've got the latest version of mongodb from the repository installed after updating from 3.4 a week back. It starts and works just fine until today.
I was going to switch on access control for the first time and therefore create a user. When doing `createUser`, the server crashes. After rebooting, the user is not created.
The error looks as follows:
2018-01-15T08:06:14.360+0100 F - [conn2] Fatal Assertion 28832 at src/mongo/base/secure_allocator.cpp 246
2018-01-15T08:06:14.360+0100 F - [conn2]
***aborting after fassert() failure
... and then a stack trace.
On the MongoDB issue tracker, I found, recommending to increase mlock limits. So I looked at my mlock limits and they are unlimited. More specifically, for the su and mongodb users, `ulimit` returns `unlimited`.
Am I missing something here? The error pretty clearly states that it can't mlock, however I don't see why that would be.
Thanks a lot for any ideas.
Last edited by yorrd (2018-01-15 07:20:02)
On the bug that you linked, it says to increase the memlock limits *as a workaround*. The bug that it further linked to has been fixed, so if this problem is still there, then either it's a different issue, or it's a regression. I suggest you report it upstream.