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so I'm using the University network (wired) in my student hall and in September/October everything worked. Then dhcp stopped working, and I assumed it was an error on the server side (wlan still worked on a different network). But apparently their stuff works and I was supposed to use a static IP. Initially that didn't work either, only after a network admin used his laptop and "my" IP and my LAN plug and then plugged my laptop back in it worked. Even after a reboot, but shorty after that reboot (some hours maybe) it stopped working again.
I couldn't ping the gateway from the wired network (or anything else), but I can reach the gateway over wireless network.
$ systemctl status NetworkManager.service
after I connect the wired connection, results in
Dec 22 18:12:23 beth NetworkManager[359]: <info> [1513966343.9005] device (enp2s0): state change: disconnected -> prepare (reason 'non
Dec 22 18:12:23 beth NetworkManager[359]: <info> [1513966343.9012] device (enp2s0): state change: prepare -> config (reason 'none', sy
Dec 22 18:12:23 beth NetworkManager[359]: <info> [1513966343.9019] device (enp2s0): state change: config -> ip-config (reason 'none',
Dec 22 18:12:23 beth NetworkManager[359]: <info> [1513966343.9085] device (enp2s0): state change: ip-config -> ip-check (reason 'none'
Dec 22 18:12:23 beth NetworkManager[359]: <info> [1513966343.9113] device (enp2s0): state change: ip-check -> secondaries (reason 'non
Dec 22 18:12:23 beth NetworkManager[359]: <info> [1513966343.9115] device (enp2s0): state change: secondaries -> activated (reason 'no
Dec 22 18:12:24 beth NetworkManager[359]: <info> [1513966344.3503] dns-mgr: Writing DNS information to /usr/bin/resolvconf
Dec 22 18:12:24 beth NetworkManager[359]: <info> [1513966344.3644] device (enp2s0): Activation: successful, device activated.
Dec 22 18:12:55 beth NetworkManager[359]: <info> [1513966375.0005] connectivity: (enp2s0) timed out
(enp2s0 is my "eth0")
Has anyone an idea?
Best regards
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I doubt you're supposed to go for a static IP
Well, this network admin from the University network who showed up in person did not only tell me to do so, but changed the settings in Network Manager accordingly himself.
So I'd say I'm supposed to use an static IP now?
It did work with DHCP in the beginning, then they had some troubles on this campus and it didn't work anymore.
I am currently using dhclient not the internal one, and it still doesn't work, this is the only thing I could conclude from your link, sorry.
Thanks for your help.
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Try a manual setup (stop networkmanager first!) … IP_address
Ok so I did
# systemctl stop NetworkManager.service
and followed the steps from the wiki.
But I still can't ping anything.
(Although firefox now says "Looking up..." instead of just trying to load forever, not sure if there is any meaning to that)
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can you ping ?
No, I'm getting 100% packet loss
Last edited by Simurgh (2017-12-22 22:11:18)
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can you ping the gateway?
ip route
You should ask the admin whether there's a special requirement (MAC filter or similar)
100% packet loss to the gateway as well.
There is a MAC filter, and you're supposed to register on their site with your MAC and name, which I did, and it worked for 2 months.
The MAC I have is identically to the MAC I am registered with.
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Ask the admin to check the server logs.
Since you can reach the gateway via wifi but not ethernet, I'd say you're registered with the MAC of the wifi chip, but not with the one of the ethernet chip.
That's really my best guess because if the router wouldn't silently reject your MAC, you'd not fail without an error message...
Thanks for your help.
I checked via
$ ip link
and I used the MAC of enp2s0.
I'm going to ask for logs.
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Double Post as this is a month later.
They don't have access to the gateway logs.
But I found out, that if I boot into a live linux (kubuntu 16.04.3) dhcp works perfectly fine, and if I reboot into arch after that ethernet via static IP works great for about 6 hours, then it stops and doesn't work until the next boot into the live linux.
If I use dhcp in arch after the live linux boot and shutdown it doesn't work.
So there is something wrong with the networkmanager (?) in this installation I assume, is there a way to get all config files regarding that back to a default state or something?
Also sometimes I get error reports during shutdown like ath10k_pci (WiFi) firmware crashed and an endless "a stop job is running for WPA-supplicant", probably unrelated as they are wifi...
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Have you made sure that NetworkManager isn't changing your MAC? Look at … domization
I tried to add that to my NetworkManager.conf (the ethernet version set to permant, so that it uses the permanent MAC of the device) the onyl noticeable effect was that I couldn't connect to my WiFi any longer (even if I only had the ethernet line in the .conf).
Is there a chance that just reinstalling the NetworkManager might help? Because it worked in November.
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There is something about this thread what I do absolutely not get: you're somehow talking as if you were using a static IP config and dhcp at the same time what makes *absolutely* no sense. DHCP is all and only about configuring the clients network by the server - in direct contrast to a static configuration ("Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol")
So you say the admins say you need to use a static IP config (what I find weird for the context, but oh, well) - so where exactly come dhcp into this?? If you use a static config, you should stay away from dhcp as far as you can, because it will nuke your static config.
Everyone here is supposed to use dhcp to get their dynamic IP, but for some unknown reason that stopped working for me after 2 months. So I reached out to the admins who told me to use Static IP (and they gave me the respective address and gateway).
Static IP works for me for ~6 hours after I booted into a live linux and rebooted into arch linux after that.
Dynamic IP doesn't work even after that.
So because my internet didn't work anymore while using the, for this network default, dynamic IP, they told me to use a static IP instead. But that doesn't work properly and now they have given up. Especially because it works out of the box on the live linux as that makes it look like the error is on my installation and therefore has to be fixed by me.
Sorry for any confusion.
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Did you compare the MACs in the live linux boot and your arch installation?
I compared the MACs for my ethernet interface with "ip link" and they are the same for the arch installation and in the live linux.
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