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I'm trying to install arch on a new macbook pro. When I boot into the live installation media, I get a black screen. If I add acpi=off to the kernel parameters, I see the TTY, but cannot input anything via keyboard. Following … 5#p1506205 I tried nolapic, but that results in corrupted graphics (so far that I can't read anything).
I started posting in … 6#p1708666 but I felt like my problem was diverging from the original thread.
Last edited by rcorre (2018-02-24 17:20:24)
I tried
i8042.nopnp=1 i8042.dumbkbd=1
as suggested in, but no luck.
An external keyboard connected via USB does work, but since I only have one usb-c adapter, it requires removing the installation media, at which point nothing else works.
I am coming up with the same with samasung chromebook 3. Any updates?
This work-in-progress driver got the macbook keyboard working.
This is actually mentioned in the archwiki article.
I'm going to mark the OP as solved, you may want to open a new topic for the chromebook.
Note: The macbook is still near useless as the wifi card doesn't work with linux.