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I am trying to use Nerd fonts which are fonts patched with Glyphs, with the intention to use them in Zsh / Oh-my-szh / Powerline9K.
Note : this is known to work, I routinely use this under Ubuntu 17.10 with Gnome-Terminal, as well as under Windows with ConEmu
How I have installed the fonts :
- Go to Git hub
- Download the font using the Download button
- move the font to ~/.local/share/fonts
- run fc-cache -vf
- mkfontscale
- mkfontdir
- clapped my hand and made 3 turns on my chair
Actual result :
- in Gnome terminal, I cannot see the fonts
- I can see them in Firefox for instance (I can set my default font as Fura Code for instance).
- I can also see them in Terminator, and in Konsole (although I have to deactivate the filter on monospace font, which is weird because the fonts I want to install are monospace)
Expected result :
- I would like to be able to chose them in Gnome-terminal
Note : I suspect Ubuntu GNOME-terminal has extra patches because the box to deactive monospace fonts filter exists there...
Have you tried using the AUR package instead?
All the best,
I did try
However :
- only a subset of the fonts have been packaged
- some of those packages are outdated
- there seem to be one that does a full install, but it weights 2Gb because it downloads all fonts, in all variantsm which I don really need.
Also, I looked at what the AUR package do, and they do exactly the same steps.
fc-list | grep -i nerd
Edit, scratch that - just saw that the fonts work. They're apparently just not flagged monospace and gnome-terminal filters them.
Did you try to configure the font directly using dconf?
Last edited by seth (2018-04-04 21:58:02)
tell fontconfig to prefer it for monospace
<?xml version='1.0'?>
<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM 'fonts.dtd'>
<!-- ## monospace ## -->
<family>xos4 terminus</family>
<family>liberation mono</family>
None of this worked...
For some reasons, only BitStreamVera and SauceCode work as is...
The font work in non-GTK console widget based terminals (like Konsole under KDE)
I run into this problem just yesterday when I install vim plugin devicons. After installing nerd fonts in my Ubuntu 18, I found that these nerd fonts were not listed in the gnome terminal.
I did many searches in google, and finally found this method worked for me. Here is the link Link
1. Install GNOME Tweaks
2. Set the system monospace font to your nerd font
3. In the Terminal's Font Preference, I leave the Custom Font option unchecked, .i.e use system font.
@clouduan thanks for the pointer to the correct solution!
Closing this old topic.
Pages: 1
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