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Hi beautiful geek people
I've succesfully setup an Apache server with php, mariadb and the whole shebang! The last thing I need is to enable http2 which for some reason just refuses to work. Here are the configs.
Include http2_module modules/
Protocols h2 h2c http/1.1
<VirtualHost *80>
Protocols h2 h2c http/1.1
DocumentRoot "/srv/http/inorroe
ServerName inorroe
ServerAlias www.inorroe.local
When I check the developer tools in Firefox I see this:
Am I missing something obvious? I have no clue why it isn't working. Thanks in advance <3
Did you rule out FF as the issue?
curl -v https://www.inorroe.local
Last edited by seth (2018-06-16 20:26:25)
HTTP2 only works over an encrypted connection. You are trying to use http:// when you need https://.
Thank you very much for the quick reply. I knew I was missing something obvious (stupid me). I'll need to setup a reverse proxy server first before I can check it out with https. Thanks for the help
Last edited by Kimyeti (2018-06-17 10:08:05)
Pages: 1