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Good morning,
since around 2 days I have the issue that my machine tries to connect to via my VPN connection despite I configured it to only use this connection for servers in that network (
For work I use a VPN that is very restrictive regaarding outgoing connections. Every time I connect there I see connection attempts to port 80 blocked in the firewall. Thes blocks occur instantly on establishing the VPN connection and then every 5 minutes.
When I try to connect to this site in my browser or via curl, then the configured route (not via VPN) will be used and the connection is possible.
So my question is which program could be responsible for that (and why)?
See NetworkManager.conf(5) for a description of the Connectivity section, and do note that we don't keep logs for this (or at least, we explicitly turned off logging once we realized we were accidentally recording logs by default).
Managing AUR repos The Right Way -- aurpublish (now a standalone tool)